Someone, whether a spirit or a man asked me a question: "What can you tell about the number 666 and the mystery of the antichrist? Tell if you know. But if you do know anything about him and the ominous secret of lawlessness which is being revealed now, tell about it so that your words would reach minds and hearts of many people. Do not talk in parables and images for they will be only confusing for understanding. There are anyway a great number of unanswered questions. Tell in such a way that your answers would take off the load of unanswered queries. Help those, who are still needing and waiting for the words of truth."
"But are there those who are waiting and able to open their hearts and minds towards this ominous mystery?" - I asked that someone in my turn.
"How do you think?" - followed the answer.
"Yes, there are!" - I said.
But the question, nevertheless, brought me to confusion and continuous reflection. I realized that the mystery of the number 666 and the secret of the antichrist is extremely voluminous. I knew that every meaningful occurrence on the earth is a consequence of direction from Christ to the antichrist. All objects and occurrences of this world reflect the struggle and opposition between Christ and the antichrist. The whole world, all mankind are in the arena of this fight. How is it possible to tell about it? Besides, everything has already been said about this mystery. The Bible talks about it explicitly. However it's not adding clarity to people's comprehension most likely because of their disability to unseal it. Many Christian theologians have written on this topic in varied ways. But still lots of Christian denominations just as sheep to a slaughter go towards the antichrist. And as soon as you say something about the mystery of the antichrist to somebody you will hear a superstitious answer: "We are in Christ, why should we care about the antichrist? Why should we calculate the number of the beast, why expect his appearing? Live in Jesus and you will not be involved with the antichrist. The Lord will not allow."
Moreover for unbelievers neither the topics of Christ or the antichrist exist at all. So how should I talk about it in order to make this fatal mystery clear to many peoples' minds and hearts? And how is it possible if the appearing of the antichrist is a mystery? God is a mystery. Everything that surrounds a man is a mystery. And a man is a mystery to himself. But secrets are revealed by revelations from above. "The mystery made known to me by revelation", says the Apostle Paul. "Although there's nothing to be gained, I will go on visions and revelations from the Lord", - which means that the highest knowledge comes by revelation. But who is equal to such a task.
The last book of the Bible is the apocalypses, the last true view of the world is apocalyptic. Many people are already living in sensation of the inevitable disaster and earth tragedy, sensing the apocalyptic signs of the last time. So say Gods' prophets: "Terror and pit and snare await for you, o people of the earth. The curse has devoured the earth and those who dwell in it are desolate. Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken." And so it is now. However, tribes and nations are inevitably approaching the antichrist, sliding down into the fateful secret of lawlessness, which has been opened now. Why is it so? Because "the veil is spread over all nations", - says Gods' prophet. "The veil is taken away by Christ". And who is equal to such a task?
Considering unimaginable difficulties in such a voluminous and mysterious question I decided to talk simple and brief, neither expecting nor pursuing anything. Who is given will hear. No one can come to Christ unless the Heavenly Father draws him. No one will perceive the mystery of antichrist unless the Father opens it up to him. And I just told whether to God or to my spirit: "Do not be severe to me, do not judge me for my weakness in throwing light upon this fatal secret. You better direct me from word to word so that I do not talk limply and plain and the words spoken good would not belong to me.
I said to those who are not trustworthy: "People, listen to me, stop for a moment in your reckless race and hear my words until the end. I will not overload you, neither will I take a lot of your time. I will tell you things which are evident, but I won't try to prove them to you. With no pretension I will submit to you the highest conceptions, which you can not accept, I will reveal to you the depths of hell not aiming to intimidate you. I do not hope to be heard by you, to be understood, for even the apocalyptic events of the last times are not holding you from your foolishness and are not leading you to repentance. You are closed in and pressed to the extremes, overstrained and exhausted, you are perishing but not giving in. You are locked up into the fateful predestination and you are unable to break it off. But yet I challenge you to listen to my words. For some of you they will be to hopelessness and judgement, and for others - to the least hope and move, and further - to salvation through Jesus Christ.
To the trustworthy I said so: " You poor and needy, those who have nothing to lose, let us go, I will lead you through the wonderful places. The revelation of this mystery will scare and scorch you, but it will also urge you on to take a refuge in Christ".