It is a temptation for a man to understand God, the universe and man through creation - most ancient temptation. And it is proved by the word of the serpent to Adam and Eve, inducing them to the knowledge through creation, in this case through the created category of good and evil: "You shall not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it, then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be like God, knowing good and evil". Through it satan was drawing the first man aside from the only possible way of knowledge determined by God, i. e. the tree of life, which metaphorically is the Eternal Word of Life, is the Logos of Eternity – Jesus Christ.
Adam and Eve should have guessed the falsity of the serpent and not have listened to him as he said: "Is it so that God has said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" But God did say so, and it was the first temptation for the first man. "He is a liar from the beginning", says Jesus about him. Both Adam and Eve should have made a decision: "If the first words of the serpent were false, since he said the way God was not saying, then aren’t his next words deceiving as well: "you shall not surely die..." But they have not made it. Even though Eve guesses falsity of the first words of the serpent and objects him: "We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden, but of the fruit of the tree which is in the middle of the garden, God has said, You shall not eat of it, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.”; she is tempted by the falsity of the next words.
That is, during the first dialogue between man and the fallen cherub happened an orientation of man to the knowledge of God through His creation and His categories (in this case – good and evil). That is, the devil has offered to mankind, on behalf of tempted Adam and Eve, a certain way of knowledge of God, the universe and man, but the way forbidden by God. Even though it is a really existing way, as the researches of the apostle Paul prove it: "because the thing which may be known of God is clearly revealed within them, for God revealed it to them; for Godhead is seen by the things that are made", but for some reason this way is forbidden by God: "do not eat also do not touch". Why forbidden? Because on the way of knowledge of God, universe and man "through creation", i.e. through the devil, is hidden the suppression of truth by a lie. Because Jesus tells about him: "He is a liar from the beginning, he is the father of lies". As he was lying about God to the first man by his first words: "Is it so that God has said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" God did not say so. I.e., the devil is a slanderer about all and everyone and even about God. And the knowledge of God, universe and man "through creation" is his way. He can not but pervert and defile all creation subjected to him by his spirit.
This way is also forbidden because the devil is a distracter of the Divine creation. We know through the witness of Christ that he comes only for one purpose: "to steal to kill and to destroy". The heavenly things have already been defiled by him. So now he is completing his work of earth destruction. But further we shall speak in more details about it.
Also forbidden because there is a law, namely: the one who "opens the eyes" to knowledge, demands worship for himself. There is God’s plan and the will of God in it, since God has determined for His creation the only thing: knowing of His name and glorifying Him. We read in the book of Revelation, how the elders are before God’s throne and creation close to God is glorifying God. So says Christ about it: "He who speaks of himself seeks his own glory, but he who seeks the glory of Him who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him". And more: "I am not seeking glory for myself". The Angels of God do not accept glorification from a man, but offer instead to worship God and to glorify Him. We read in the book of Daniel and in the book of revelation of John: "Do not do that; I am a fellow servant with you, worship God". So speak those who seek glory for the One who Sent them. The devil acts differently, as it is proved by his words addressed to Christ in the desert: "Fall down and worship me...” It is because he comes in his own name, as the one not sent from God. That’s why Jesus speaks: "I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; but if someone comes in his own name, him you will receive". In these words of Christ there is a fatal predestination for the whole mankind, which has not received Christ.
From the first words in the Garden of Eden: "Is it so that God has said, You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?..." the ancient serpent throughout the whole history of mankind even until nowadays does not stop influencing each man by the same words, offering him the forbidden way, way of knowledge of God, universe and man "through creation". But every Christian has to understand the important thing: that the knowledge of God, universe and man through creation is none other than the world occultism, i.e. strictly scientific, strictly investigated and proved secret knowledge achievable through occult attributes - magic, science and esoteric philosophy. Both height and depth of these scientific occult researches surpasses human understanding. There is nothing superior and wiser under the whole sky, than the occult knowledge of gentile priests and Jewish rabbis. At least, the authority of physical sciences like physics, chemistry, mathematics, geology, psychology and other exact sciences, which worked out the civilization of mankind and which is a subject of desired and steadfast study for millions of people, this authority is impossible to belittle. But these physical sciences are only a small part of a general world science about knowledge of God, universe and man, which is occultism; so to tell, it is only its lowest physical level. And if physical sciences practically make god out of a man, how much more exalted make him spiritual aspects of occultism... As well as V. Pryamin-Morozov speaks about it in the “ Encyclopedia of occultism": " Occultism represents the whole harmonious philosophical system which is having for an object to synthesize knowledge in order to establish the laws ruling over all phenomena of seen and, mainly, invisible world. Besides, occultism consists of the whole group of special sciences and knowledge studying the invisible world and its manifestations in the seen world. Thus, the main task of occultism is the penetration and knowledge of concealed secrets of the universe, life and death".
It should be said, that Christians have an intolerable bias to the words ”occultism, magic, philosophy, esotericism, gnosticism" etc., associating them only with fortune-tellings, witchcraft and delusions, i.e. only with darkness and every evil thing. And they do so, as though were based on the Gospel, just as the apostle Paul says: "things which the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God; but I do not want you to have fellowship with demons". But it is not right and it is not wise to underestimate spiritual potential of the enemy’s ideology. As wisdom speaks, in order to successfully struggle with an enemy, it is necessary to perfectly know his weapon and means of conducting the fight. And the apostle Paul expresses this idea: "for we are not unaware of his schemes". Let also every Christian be aware of his intentions. As to all of us is given a commandment: "Calculate the number of the beast". And we do not mean for Christians to become Masters of occultism, we mean for Christians to have understanding about the power, authority, mighty appeal and objective trustworthiness of the knowledge of God, universe and man, - things that the adherents of world occultism possess, they are owners of so-called "regal science". As for the occultists occultism is a science about knowledge of God, universe and man. And if true God’s children will get the appropriate knowledge about ideology of the enemy, they will only grow stronger in thanksgiving to God, appreciating the unique way given to them to know God through the Lord Jesus Christ.
But Jesus Christ is not authoritative for the world occultists. And all their attention is concentrated on Lucifer. In every occultists’ mind Lucifer, satan or the devil is a fallen angel of manifested worlds, certain fiery Prometheus, who supposedly sacrificed his glory for enlightenment of human kind, who supposedly presented the light and intellect to mankind. For, as occultists declare, the eyes of Adam and Eve, and of all mankind, "have opened" thanks to the serpent. Occultists also know about the casting down of Lucifer, but attach to this downfall a different sense, exalting satan as heroic Prometheus, who saves mankind. So occultism maintains that Lucifer expressed selflessness and love to the created mankind, by coming down to earth for its enlightenment. And in esoteric truth Lucifer is eternally loving "Messenger", who knew a lot, and loved even more. That he is "Logos" and "Lightcarrier". That he is a "Redeemer" of mankind and its "Rescuer" from pure animalism. On the contrary, the One who in the days of Babylon tower pronounced the words: "Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, so that they cannot understand one another's speech, and this they begin to do. Now nothing which they have imagined to do will be restrained from them.. ", occultists call this God Demiurgic of Nazareth, filled with furies and envy to his own creation, because he has told: "Behold, man has become as one of Us..." Thus the devil always and at every opportunity slanders God and His creation.
So speak occultists of all times and nations about war in the heavens: (Blavatskaya, "The Secret Doctrine"): "the Angels were commanded to create. After the preparation of the earth by lower and material forces, the Angels according to the evolution law were compelled to come down to earth to construct its final crown of evolution – a man. Thus, "Self-born” and Self-existing" (V.М.: means The one who created the world, i.e. Jehovah and the One who was with Him) exposed their pale reflections and for the sake of their own "nirvana" have not desired to work with mankind. But the third group "the Fiery Angels" (V.М. : here meant the rebelled angels under the rule of Lucifer) opposed and refused to join the first ones. Their godliness encouraged them to sacrifice themselves for the sake of mankind. "The rebelled ones" did not want to create weak – willed irresponsible people, as the "obedient " angels had made. That is why, the Satan or Serpent is the true Creator and the Benefactor of life".
And more. (Blavatskaya: “The Secret Doctrine”): “Dragon, as well as a serpent never in an antiquity was considered as Evil. In metaphors, whether it be astronomical, space, theogonical or physiological, the Serpent was always considered as a Divine symbol. "He is biting his tail", for it is a symbol of infinite Eternity and cyclic periods.” (V.М.- another word - a circle, and a circle as well as a point is a symbol of the United Absolute God in occult symbolism).
(Blavatskaya, "The Secret Doctrine"): "The first Christians, who seized the Bible from the Jews did not manage to notice, that the disobedience of Adam and Eve not only contained no sin, but that "the serpent" actually was, the Lord God Himself, who as Logos or the carrier of Divine, creative wisdom taught mankind in his turn to become the creators...... Satan is a gate keeper in a temple of a King, he stood forth before Solomon. He held the keys of the world light, so that no man could enter there, except for the anointed ones, having the secret doctrine..."