But still, what is world paganism, if it is not magic, witchcraft and shamanism? What is gods worship of the world paganism, if not a cosmos, sun, moon, nature and all demons worship? What is it, if not "The Heavenly Host” worship, which is harmoniously joined into the astrological six-final star? And all of this is none other than strive for the knowledge of God, universe and man through creation, i.e. through the devil with his categories and attributes introduced to mankind.
God was protecting mankind from this way on behalf of Adam and Eve. But the first people were tempted and went this way. We can assume, that as before the flood so after it God was also protecting people from this way, as He was protecting Adam and Eve, though the Bible does not speak much about it. Further on, God distinctly guarded people of Old Testament Israel from the same way. Here are the words proving it. Moses: "and lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens, and when you see the sun, and the moon, and the stars, all the host of heaven, lest you should be driven to worship them and serve them, which the Lord your God has allotted to all nations under all the heavens. But the Lord has taken you to be to Him a people of inheritance." Hence, all the heavenly host is given up by God to all nations who have not known God, but to God’s people, to Israel, - God determined only Himself. However from the old times until nowadays, like Adam and Eve, the Jewish people were inclined by the tempter to worship the Heavenly Host, i.e. to the knowledge of God, universe and man “through creation”, which is an occult way of knowledge. All history of Israel up to Christ is nothing else but a bloody war for two ways of knowledge. As God said to Adam and Еvе: ”You shall not eat... lest you die..." And the devil: "Is it so that God has said?...You shall not surely die... your eyes shall be opened..." So God said to the Old Testament Jews: "... if you worship ...the heavenly host..., you will die". But the devil: "You shall not surely die, but you shall be like God knowing..." And out of Moses in Israel there was revealed the direction to God and the antidirection to occultism and the devil. In due time Jews, not having known the time of their visitation and not having accepted Christ, only grew stronger in occult way of knowledge, as a result becoming like gentiles.
But whether all gentile tribes are "the nations, not knowing God"? This question is extensive and not a simple one. The Bible testifies about the nations knowing God, (Balaam, Job and many others) and about the nations not knowing Him. So the apostle Paul says: "For the unseen things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being realized by the things that are made...for although they knew God...", - i.e. he affirms some opportunity for the gentiles in the knowledge of God. And here he continues: "For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God, and nor gave thanks to Him, but they became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened: professing to be wise, they became fools and changed the glory of the immortal God into an image made like mortal man, and birds, and animals, and reptiles. Therefore, God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their hearts”. That is, in one sentence the apostle Paul speaks both about an opportunity for the nations to know God and about the impossibility to reach Him without Christ. From the beginning, from Adam and Eve and their seed people on the earth had an opportunity to know God and to speak with Him personally, as well as to lose God and turn to the devil. Both from the ancient times until nowadays nobody can reach the Father without Christ, since "the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven" are given to Him from the beginning. And only some chosen ones God caught up to Himself directly (Enoch, Elijah), all the others, even God’s holy men never had ascended up to Him. So no one can return to the Fathers’ side outside of Christ. For He "is the door and the way". Therefore, all having a hope for the return to God outside of Jesus Christ are deceivers and anti-christs . All the experience of world religions, including Jewish Torah that talk about uncountable incarnations of regeneration on a cosmic way of immortal soul to God are a lie , since nobody can come to the Father, unless through Christ.
It would be erroneous and reckless to reject all the world experience of mankind in their knowledge of God. It would be erroneous not to see a multi difficult and selfless labor of hundreds and hundreds of the world gentile religious priests and to consider their efforts fruitless. The apostle Paul gives a precise definition to it: "because the thing which may be known of God is clearly revealed within them, for God revealed it to them”. So, Hermes Trismegist – the great Egyptian priest talks about God and His Son long before the coming of Christ: "The Most High and the Creator of all things, Whom we call God, has created the Second God, seen and felt; I call him so not because He feels Himself, but because He is perceived by our feelings. So, having created This United Essence, Which occupies the first place among creations and the second after the Sky, He has found, that He was good and has filled Him with all kinds of good and has loved Him as His own child, and He wanted then, that someone else could see this Creature, so Great and so Perfect, Which He has exposed out of Himself. And for that reason He created a man gifted with mind and wisdom. And as He knew, that the essence could not perceive all things, without being surrounded by the world, He gave it a body for life. He wanted for it to have two natures and to continuously unite and connect them in harmony ".
And it is quite in accordance with the words of the Gospel: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things came into being through Him, and without Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being. No one has ever seen God; the Only-begotten Son, who is at the Father’s side, He has made him known. The Word became flesh, and made his dwelling among us. And we have seen His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and of truth". And more: "God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit". And more: "You have prepared a body for Me". And more: "Father, I desire that those whom You have given Me, that they may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me, for You have loved Me before the foundation of the world".
There are more parallels between the Gospel and world occultism, and we shall tell more about those further. But why should Christians investigate whether gentiles know God? Why should they search for parallels and similarity between the word of the Bible and sources of world occultism? We shall answer this question so: It is important to know, because one of the hardest temptations for the Christians was, is, and will be the temptation to know God through rather attractive categories of occultism, since they are indeed very close to the Gospel ones. It is important to see the most complicated process of the world in its striving for perception of God and how impossible it is to know Him without the Sent one for this mission Jesus Christ. But through many parallels and similarities of occult sources and the Gospel it seems to the inquisitive man on his way of Gods’ search with all evidence, that the Bible and occult sources talk about the same God and lead to the same God, though by different ways. However it is not so. Having the parallels and likenesses of both Gods’ and occult sources these two ways of knowledge never draw together and do not lead to One God, because one is a way in the name of Jesus Christ, and the other one – is in the name of the anti-christ. Accordingly, one way leads to God, the other one – to the devil.