So, we clearly see two ways to the knowledge of God, universe and man, which were planned from the Garden of Eden and throughout the whole history of mankind they pass through until today. Christ and the anti-christ – by contrast their names are opposite and parallel, representing two ways of the earth. (Anti - in parallel and opposite). Their essence is called to carry out the earth predestination that is an ascent through Christ to the United true God and the descent to the god of lie of all sons of disobedience through the anti-christ. Both, like guiding stars, lighten the ways for all who follow them. So, is present the complete contrast and parallels of Christ and the anti-christ. But if to stand impartially and have a lack of God’s knowledge between these two poles of the earth, how to prove to yourself and others: where Christ is, and where is His double? From the One flows a spirit of grace, from the other one – a spirit of charm, very similar to the spirit of grace. From the One comes out the words of truth and from another one -words convincingly pretending to be the truth. One has the power, so does the other. From One comes light and from another one - almost the same form of light.
Christ means Меssiah, i.e. the One to Whom the mission of all peoples’ salvation is assigned. And nobody ever walking on this earth can take such a calling upon himself, unless it is given to him from God. The only man on the earth, to whom this mission was assigned by God, is the man named Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God. Combining the name and the calling we indeed talk about Him - Jesus Christ. But not only Jesus is called Christ. There are many of them, who claim on a mission of salvation of people. They are both Buddha and Mohammed and a multitude of other small and great claimants upon the message of peoples’ rescue. All of them aspire to a rank of God’s sons, to holiness, to the truthfulness, to the light and eternal life. And they do have great attractiveness before people, do have power and authority to draw away and to exalt human souls, to solve their problems and troubles. But, alas, nobody comes to God, unless through Jesus Christ, and all of them are in reality “thieves and robbers", just as Christ talks about them.
The mystery of the anti-christ is a term of the new era starting with Jesus Christ. But the mystery of the anti-christ, alike the secret of lawlessness, takes its roots in a deeply remote history, from Adam and Eve throughout all centuries and thousands years being a universal process of disobedience to God, falling away from God. But in all times of mankind existence , both before Christ appearing in the flesh and after, it is correct to call the secret of lawlessness the mystery of the anti-christ, since the experience of mankind in search of God or struggle against Him is revealed only in relation to Christ. The search for God before Christ was expressed in all who were truly looking for God in the fore-knowledge of Christ and His indispensable appearing in the future to save human kind and every soul trusting in God. And after the coming of Christ any search for God for man on the earth and for all nations will by all means be expressed in the acceptance of Christ and His gift of salvation. Accordingly, the secret of lawlessness in historical mankind is expressed in obvious or unconscious rejection of Christ as the Messenger of salvation from God, that, in turn, is revealed in aspiring to know God and to approach Him without Christ. So all the gentile religions consider themselves knowing God, approaching Him and not needing Christ. But Christ Himself has told: "No one comes to the Father, but by Me". And more: "I have come in My Father's name, and you do not receive Me; but if another comes in his own name, him you will receive". These words of Christ contain all the secret of anti-christ, all the essence of rebellion of the fallen angel Lucifer against God, all the essence of the falling away of mankind in opposition to God. Everything, that opposes God by a word "anti", like anti-god, anti-christ, anti-truth and so on, all is expressed by a word "coming in his own name". On this basis the apostle Paul gives an estimation to all striving for God outside Christ: "Nations, who do not know God". It’s the same thing with the Jews. Not having known the time of their visitation and not having received Christ as their salvation, they grew stronger in the knowledge of God outside Christ, thus became like gentiles.
But both gentiles and the assimilated Jews do proclaim “the coming in their own name”.
( V. Shmakov: Lassos of Таrо): "The human soul is capable of understanding everything, since it is everything in itself: the starry sky and moral law... If a man really wants to perceive eternity and infinity, he should base this only on his own spirit. There is nothing casual in the world, as there is not also any action, which would not cause certain effects and would not be caused by certain reasons. The whole world and parts of it, are equally subordinated to a principle of energy conservation. Being indisputable on the physical level, this law is equally valid for all superior levels, as well as for any activity of the human spirit also relating to God’s World. Never and nothing is given for free, any result is only the equivalent of the spent efforts, as well as no effort vanishes without causing the equivalent effects. Power beyond all measure , limitlessness of opportunities, the infinity of forms, kinds and degrees of efforts of a man comes from the fact, that from the very beginning of his Divine life a spark of endless power was incorporated in his spirit. Therefore, however great are the tasks of man, however huge and burdensome is his road, all the same his success is guaranteed, since the potential opportunity of the achievement was incorporated in a spark of his spirit at the moment of his birth. The evolution of man aims to gradually, consciously and actively assert in reality the opportunities incorporated in him. Man should always firmly remember, that the unique opportunity, unique pledge of achievement is the energy of his own spirit; always and in everything he should lean only on himself, remembering, that from the outside world he can apprehend only the material, embodying his will and idea, but at the same time, this material is always inert and basically is not capable of helping him independently and actively and facilitating victory.
"To make gold, you need to have gold", says the great motto of dedication, and the gold, which should be had, is an energy of the spirit, its boundless opportunities. He should be able to make them work actively".
So say those who come "in their own name". But speaking more precisely, "in his own name" came the only not sent from The United God - Lucifer. All the others, coming "in their own name", scoop the limitless power and opportunities not from their spirit, but from his spirit by means of the antiword. As God is a Word, so the antigod is the antiword. And any man giving in to an antiword uses the energy of this word’s spirit. And "falling down, worships him", i.e. to Lucifer. Here actually lies all the cunning craftiness of great world deception.
Those who come "in the name of the One who Sent them", that will tell: "If there is nothing casual in the world and if the world as a whole, as well as in part is equally subordinated to a principle of energy conservation and if never and nothing is given for free, and any result is only the equivalent of spent efforts, as well as no effort vanishes without causing the equivalent effects, then the power beyond all measure, limitlessness of opportunities, the infinity of forms, kinds and degrees of efforts of a believing man comes from the fact, that from the very beginning of his Divine life a spark of endless power of Jesus Christ was incorporated in his spirit by the gift of God’s grace, of His spent efforts on people’s salvation and His death on the Golgotha cross. We did not work, but we have entered into His labor, which is a victory over the hell and death powers, and by the gift of His grace" and what is the surpassing greatness of His power toward us, the ones believing according to the working of His mighty strength". Therefore, however great are the tasks of the believer, however huge and burdensome is his road, all the same his success is guaranteed since the potential opportunity of the achievement was incorporated in a spark of his spirit at the moment of his birth in God. That’s why it is said: “Your labor is not without fruit in the Lord”. The evolution of the believer aims to gradually, consciously and actively assert in reality the capabilities of Jesus Christ incorporated in him. The ancient wisdom says: "To make gold, you need to have gold". And the gold that we have is "Christ in us, the hope of glory "for the sake of which" He became poor, in order that you might be made rich through His poverty”. And carrying out the mystery of His will, we should learn to provoke to the vigorous activity the energy of Christ’s Spirit in us, His boundless capabilities".
So says the one who comes "in the name of Him who Sent him". In this case, any believer submitting under the action of the word of God, i.e. Jesus Christ, knows with no deception, that boundless opportunities and powers, which he uses, are given to him by God’s grace through the mission of Christ, that is why he is the one" coming in the name of Him who Sent him" and giving glory to Him.