But how, when and owing to what "the judaic god" began to ascend among the people of God - Israel? Where is hidden the cunning craftiness of the devil’s deceit, owing to which " the truth is replaced by the lie"? Let's recollect what the serpent tempted Adam and Eve with: "In the day you eat of it (due to the knowledge that is forbidden by God), then your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as gods, knowing..." The answer is simple: "what is commended by God to do they do not do, but what is forbidden by God to know, they are perceiving".
It is appropriate to deduce a certain formula for the clarity of the further idea about falling away of man from God. It applies to all times and nations. That is, every man’s falling away starts with unbelief towards God, i.e. failure to reach such a faith that would satisfy God first of all, and as a result of which man would receive from Him righteousness, blessing, leading of the Holy Spirit, protection, enlightenment etc. Unbelief is consequently followed by reorientation to another voice, i.e. there comes someone, who picks up the faithless man and submits him under himself. The unbelief also keeps a man in being under the law of the letter, which kills, and also – in sinning, under judgement, in slavery and so on. Hence comes life according to the flesh, sticking up to the world and its weak and beggarly elements, but also a striving to know God and the universe either through the mediators or the scientific knowledge of material nature, that is nothing else but occultism. And as a result of downfall, a man receives from the one who has conquered him a certain spirituality through the broad interpretation of God’s law and His word. This formula of downfall equally applies to gentiles, the Jews, and Christians. Our task is to trace down how it was evidently happening in Israel of the Old Testament, and then in world Christianity.
Jesus Christ convicted the Jews: "To what then shall I compare the men of this generation? And to what are they like? They are like children saying, We have played the flute to you, and you have not danced; we have mourned for you, and you did not weep. For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine, and you say, He has a demon. The Son of man has come eating and drinking, and you say, Behold a gluttonous man and a winebibber, a friend of tax-collectors and sinners! But wisdom has been justified by all her children". That is, each man demonstrates constant disobedience and rebellion to Divine purposes, constantly distorting and freely interpreting His predestination in order not to fulfil His will. And since "there is time for every thing under the sky", and God firmly sets up some major purposes for every period of mankind existence, therefore, the obedience to God can be expressed only in exact understanding and unconditional fulfillment of His purposes. If they “play the flute for us, we should dance", if they "mourn for us, we should weep". If God through Moses has decreed the law to Israel, and not the Heavenly Host worship, they should have fulfilled the law, instead of interpreting it at will.
God is a Spirit, He is light, God is holy, righteous, God is the truth etc. A Man, coming closer to God, should conform to Him. "And nothing impure will ever enter it, nor any making an abomination or a lie". "Without peace and holiness no one shall see the Lord". "Only the pure in heart shall see God". Therefore, God commends to the man since the olden days: "Walk before Me and be perfect", as well as He announced to Abraham. But "because the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth", God determined the unique way which is able to lead a man to uprightness before God – it is faith. As it is known, God has entered a covenant with Abraham, having seen his kind believing heart, He reckoned his faith for righteousness and called him a friend of God. Abraham’s faith, as the exclusive faith, which is able to "beyond hope believe on hope", faith without weakness, that does not stagger at the promises of God through unbelief, faith as a trust ahead to the things that God is going to announce, such faith is capable of keeping a man in God’s closeness and God by His closeness is capable of sanctifying a man, leading him to Himself, keeping him upright and justified. "Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness". Not by his works Abraham pleased God, but by his faith only, though "faith worked with his works". Later David, other prophets and many of God’s people experienced a principle of justification by faith.
But it was not so with Abraham’s seed because they were given the law and righteousness from the law. "Why then the Law? It was added because of transgressions, until ...", the apostle Paul says. Transgressions in Israel happened for only one reason – that is unbelief, i.e. absence of such a faith, which would allow all people to stay close to the sanctifying God, though Israel always believed and believes in God. It means the seed of Abraham stopped believing God any longer the way Abraham believed. And as they were not held forth for righteousness by God Himself they began falling away from Him and committing transgressions. The priority of faith in a man is so much superior compared to his deeds, that an ordinary man can not even imagine the distance between these two. That’s why, God has divided righteousness by faith from the righteousness by the works of the law. Righteousness by the works is a human righteousness, like "filthy rags", hypocritical, false, no matter what law it is kept by. Righteousness by faith is God’s righteousness, given to man as a gift. The gift of righteousness by faith - that is what God was and is well pleased with. It is God’s purpose for all times and for all mankind. It has never been reversed and will not be reversed. It is the core outline of God’s salvation for all mankind.
If only the Jews have known, that until they keep honoring the law (Тоrah) after the coming of Christ in the flesh, they are rebelling against God and His purpose, that is: righteousness by faith, since "the law is not of faith", since the law (of Moses) that came after the promise (to Abraham) about the righteousness of faith have not set this promise aside, but was added by God as a compelled measure keeping Israel from transgressions. Moreover, the law did not intend to give the exhaustive interpretation of God’s secrets in knowledge of God, the world, a man and eternal purposes for Israel and mankind. The apostle Paul says, that "the inheritance is not of the law", "For the promise that he should be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the Law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if they of the Law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise is made of no effect". The Jews do not believe that the law "was added because of transgressions, until the Seed should come, i.e. Jesus Christ". Neither do they believe Moses, who considered the stone tablets on the mountain "the tablets of testimony", and when Moses was putting them into the ark, he said: "they will testify against you". So how can the Jews consider Torah the Divine revelation? You see the law, first of all is "a limit for the freedom of will or actions of a man". The Jews do not believe that the law was given not by the United God, but by the Angel -mediator, which symbolizes the limited will of God to His people, that the law is only "the supervision" until "the Author and Perfector of faith" - Jesus Christ comes. The Jews do not trust, that "the law and the prophets were until John", that the law working time was stopped by Christ.
The Jews could not believe, that the law given for righteousness, actually does the opposite, i.e. it locks up all who are under sin, because "through the law is the knowledge of sin and the law works out wrath". The law "makes nothing perfect, does not make a man perfect as regards the conscience, for he is sold under sin". The man aspiring to observe the law, only should have found out, that "he has the desire to do what is good, but he can not carry it out". The commandment of the law is just called to expose sin, then sin becomes alive and a man dies. So, the law given for life, served Israel for death. What is left for the Jew under the law to do? "What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?" – that is the logical conclusion for the Jew who is under the law, as well as the apostle Paul talks about it. The only thing left for the Jew who is under the law is to come back on the way of faith so that God could justify, sanctify and revive this man with His holy presence. "Give me, O god, the pledge you demand. Who else will put up security for me?" - says Job about it. The search of God and pleasing Him for the Jew under the law should be expressed in fore-knowing Christ and His sure coming in the future. Here is the logical conclusion for the man of God looking for Him up to the appearing of Christ: "All is vanity of vanities..., I hated life..., my Redeemer lives..., I shall see Him for myself". Therefore, the law is the supervision leading to Christ, so that man could become righteous before God by his faith in Christ.
It is clear, that the law of Moses had hidden a lot of allegories and symbols, which needed to be deciphered and comprehended in order to half-open the veil of God’s mysteries. It is clear, that the law is "a shadow of good things to come", that examining this "shadow", there is an opportunity to approach the true essence of things. "Oh how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. I have more understanding than all my teachers; for Your testimonies are my prayer. I understand more than the old men, because I keep Your commandments", - exclaimed David. But David had faith and his faith was making the law alive like the word of God. It is clear, that the law of Moses can be both "the tablets of testimony" and "the handwriting against us". The main question is how and from what state man turns to the law. If he does it in faith and by the spirit, the law like the word of God will make man alive, if in unbelief and by flesh – it will be killing for him. And those Jews, who trusted Moses, were searching for redemption and were fore-knowing Christ. But on the whole all the Jewish people, being inexperienced in "the cunning craftiness of deceit", “pursuing to live by the spirit, would return to flesh", standing up on the way of faith, would move toward the law, trying to please God under the law, slipped down to transgressions and remained without God. Israel since the olden days had fallen away from faith to the law, and later on - from God. "If you had believed Moses, you would have believed Me", says Christ to the Jews, showing Israel, that they "had searched outside faith".
The understanding of the law in unbelief according to the flesh turned the law into the death bringing letter. It made the life of the Old Testament Jews sinful and intolerable, because the oath of the law spoke: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law". The presence of this death bringing sting of the law, as its punitive function, was pushing a man away from the law, demanding to search for redemption from it. All the responsibility for failure in fulfillment of the law commandments laid upon the Old Testament Jews, they were always under judgement. The fact that - "the letter kills, and the spirit gives life", constantly urged all the Jews to search for redemption from death bringing letter of the law. So from the beginning the Old Testament every Jew pursued to fill up the letter of the law with spirit and to give to every word of the law broad spiritual interpretation. Whether someone should have set those Jews free from that law, protect them from the impossibility of fulfilling the law, (and it could be made by God only), or it was necessary to give to the letter of the law satisfactory releasing interpretation. The first predetermination of God is to redeem His people through Jesus Christ, the second one is to allow them to be tempted by the devil.
The devil could find nothing better to successfully tempt those who are under the law of the Old Testament, than suggesting them a certain zeal toward the broad spiritual interpretation of the God’s law. And they considered themselves pleasing God by doing it. Here are the old words of the serpent: "For in the day you eat of it (from knowledge that is forbidden by God), your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods knowing..." "Revelations" of the law began to release carnal faithless Jews of the Old Testament from the necessity of fulfiling the law. So did the amendments to the law, like making decrees and traditions of men, that is why Christ rebuked Pharisees for distortion of the law meaning and creation of men’s decrees and traditions. For example, Moses said : "honor your father and mother"; and: "anyone who curses his father or mother let him die by death". But you say: if a man says to his father or mother: "Whatever you would gain from me, It is a gift to God", then you no longer let him do anything for his father or mother. Thus you nullify the word of God by your tradition that you have handed down. And you do many things like that." And there many examples like that one.
"But wisdom was justified by her children.” It means that when they “play flute for us, we should dance”, when “they mourn for us, we should weep”, i.e. the Old Testament Israel showed the disobedience and rebellion against God’s purposes, distorting and freely interpreting His predestination in order not to fulfil His will. Since “there is time for every thing under the sun”, Israel during its Old Testament period of existence should have literary taken in mind every commandment of the law and fulfil it precisely, because they were carnal and served God carnally. The coming of the Redeemer was yet intended, the birth again of a new creation for life in the spirit was yet intended, that is why, premature broad spiritual interpretation of the law for Israel was forbidden. The literal fulfillment of the law though would lead the people of Israel to exhaustion and necessity of the justification by Christ. And it would be faith in Moses and in God for the Old Testament Jews. Through the broad pseudo-spiritual interpretation of the law and Heavenly Host worship "the judaic god" began to ascend among the people of God - Israel. Here lies the cunning craftiness of devil’s deceit due to which "the truth is changed into a lie"?
As the proving example of the banning of broad spiritual interpretation of the law, we should remember Korah and his company: "all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the Lord is among them.” - they said, seeking the election and priesthood, as though expressing a New Testament principle of the priesthood of all. "You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood", says the apostle Peter. So it is possible to assume, that Korah, "by the Spirit of Christ dwelling in him was investigating and searching" things about the predetermined New Testament. Why then the Lord has struck them? Because the law strictly determined the priesthood of the Old Testament only for the tribe of Levi and any free interpretation of the law was forbidden. The coming of the Redeemer was yet intended, the birth again of a new creation for life in the spirit was yet intended, that is why, premature broad spiritual interpretation of the law was forbidden for Israel. You see the law, first of all is "a limit for the freedom of will or actions of a man". "That what is not allowed is forbidden”, - the principle for the carnal man who is under the law for all times and peoples. But since the ancient times until this day, it is the achievement of "revelations" from the law became the highest form of the knowledge of God, universe and man for the Jews, which the deceiver has offered to them by the enticing words: "you will be like God knowing..."
So, since the olden days, Israel was successfully tempted by the devil. But one temptation differs from another. Temptations to sin which were based on lustful flesh when people grumbled in a desert, ate quails or fornicated with gentile harlots and so on were rooted out easily enough. There would come the angel – destroyer and sinners were wiped out. Phinehas would stand and fornication stopped. But the temptation to know God, the universe and man "through creation" and attitude to the law as to "the Divine revelation" fatally throughout all history of existence of Israel and mankind, has stirred up the rebellion against God. That is, it is important for us to see in Israel not the lustful deeds of flesh, by committing which Jews were falling away from God, but their spiritual pursues toward the knowledge of God, universe and man "through the understanding of creations...", i.e. the scientific, occult knowledge of God.