Let ask ourselves one very important question: “Why do Christians need to investigate things about the nations or the Jews so carefully? Don’t Christians know that they are to believe Christ and don’t “be taken captive through philosophy and vain deceit”? Are they “making image to worship it? Are they worshiping the host of Heaven"? But the reason why we are carefully disclosing the rebellion in history of Israel is to evidently see the same kind of rebellion in history of Christianity, since it was very difficult for Israel to stand against devil during the fight with him, so is Christianity being deposed before the devil.
With this purpose we will continue to investigate symbolism of the world occultism, which is a language that the devil speaks with mankind. We declare that symbolism is the language of the devil. But Christianity, as we will see further, uses the language of symbolism in direct way.
Symbol (simplified and sketchy from Lassos of Taro): “ As it is known, a human in his evolutionary movement goes through the way from infant consciousness to the heights of human spirit hovering in God’s Spirit. In the beginning man perceives the world only in its relative, conditional treatment and in fact no reality reaches his mind. The conceptions of a number and word letter are the first signs of consciousness activity. Later on, in human consciousness develop groups of elements due to the synthesis and they are formed in certain symbols. The next stage is abstract notions expressed in a word symbol, number or in forms of colorful or sound combinations.
“A symbol, as such, provokes the system of conceptions in the mind of a person who has met it. The conceptions were put in this symbol by the author, but along with it every person understands the symbol in details that are peculiar to him; he colors it in a certain way, perceives it in certain differential parts but still the essence of the symbol remains unchangeable. Thus, the language of symbol is true, worldwide language of mankind equally acceptable for all times and nations.”
“Due to it a man receives an opportunity to impress his ideas and thoughts in such a way that they indestructibly remain and outlast him. They will later convey the same essential ideas to every man encountering them, but they’ll be applied to the way of thinking and development degree of each reader. So, symbol is both the most sophisticated unmovable form of thoughts’ impression and the most flexible method of applying them to perceive different people.”
Living his ordinary life a man observes only the simplest forms and his speech is quite an exact way to communicate his thoughts. When a man thinks abstractly, he begins to feel an imperfection of his speech. Although, the bigger is a notion number the more words appear, but the introduction of new terms is not a solution of the problem. Besides, people’s identities color their speech with multitude of different shades. Hence we can say, that “a man actually is not capable of conveying his ideas to someone else with the help of language. The more material the mentioned object is, the easier it is for one person to understand another one; on the contrary, - the remoter is this object from the world of rough forms, the more difficult it is to convey the ideas between two people."
The next step of consciousness extension into the nature of phenomenon is a gift of eloquence. Being influenced by inspiration man creates new mighty instrument for his spirit; imperceptible shades of speech, timber and voice level create another way of communication with souls of listeners inconceivably for the speaker himself. But when isolating from the physical world and uplifting into the world of God, a spiritual one, man loses his opportunity to influence many peoples’ mind. So he returns to the law of analogue starting to speak in parables, that means he uses the images of lower level; and he can present these parables according to his gifting whether as a speech of inspired prophet or as a harmony of colors, forms or sounds, - that is how the art is born.
“Spirit always and everywhere is looking for synthesis, but it does not create it by the detailed investigation of separate facts, it directly feels the mutual connection of differential parts; it always aims to combine the whole mass of single facts perceived by intellect in one image or idea. The advanced representatives of mankind foresaw with their mighty genius a goal in the future, which people should aspire to, and they expressed stages toward it in the form of abstract ideals. At the same time, when the goal was affirmed, these geniuses showed the way and means of reaching it; they were leading all people’s efforts in one direction by the strength of their spirit. Having established an idea they were identifying all kinds of efforts with it. They were making it near the hearts and minds of all men, were bringing all currents of spirit, thoughts and feelings to it. Going the way of history mankind by turns would go crazy about this or that entertainment which inevitably was turned to a mania, until the phenomenon of new genius destroyed all of it by one stroke in order to recreate entertainment and a painful thirst toward a new purpose. It has existed always and unchangeably during all centuries of human kind development, under simultaneous effect from above and from below: the work of a crowd provided the ground for geniuses, basing on it they were able to surrender themselves wholly to the synthesis and be lifted up beyond the clouds of spirit; the revelations of the geniuses like a leading light indicated a path to the crowd, called and beckoned it to where the spirit of the elected ones was hovering. The ideals resolved by the world geniuses were identified with some kind of superior part of human spirit. This natural symbol was not a simple emblem any more, nor was it an image of man’s deeds, nor a simple imprinting of a thought; but the gift of independent active influence on all human hearts was sent to this image by the power of the genius spirit who has created it. Therefore this image already ceases to be only the conventional sign, it is incomparably above the symbol in the form of a word or number, it comprises new powerful quality - vitality. And having a tendency to synthesis, man comes at last to comprehension of the Initial Cause of all existence.
The intellect fails to comprehend spiritual orbs and supernatural revelations. But thirst for understanding Divine things brings man to more sophisticated and exalted symbols. These symbols are already ordinances and Teachers. By revelation, man penetrates even more into Divine Nature. The Great Initiated ones could comprehend by the spirit the Main Principles of worlds’ creation, according to Which His Manifestation in space was happening; these Originally – Sovereign truths also were handed to mankind in the form of Divine mysteries. A Mystery is also a symbol, but already relating to life of all universe in all its great wholeness. But where that Source is, that the Great Teachers of mankind scoop their power from? This source is the world itself - the Godhead Exposed, founded on twenty one Divine Principles; these principles are known for the people as Great Lassos. Lasso is a principle, which immeasurably excelling by its depth all ordinances and mysteries. Its life capability is endless because its extended power it is not a work of one separate man, but it is God’s Spirit Himself, its intellect and might are images of Perfection of the Almighty One; the laws which He reveals are the laws of the whole Cosmos because the Lassos like an aspect of Godhead are the Godhead Itself. Since the mysteries are the highest level of human spirit hovering, since the Lassos are the lowest level to which the Godhead comes down directly. These great symbols are the eternally existing Source of all wisdom and they are the only ways to perception of Eternal Divine Truth. Using this way a man perceives the Revelations of Eternal Truth by his spirit, and as the Immortal Symbols revive before his rapt mental look, they vivify him, purify his soul, transform all his entity and give freedom to the immortal spark of the Divinity smoldering within him, to join to the mighty and grandiose rest – to the Regal Life of Universe".
This is what the historical occultists of all times and nations say, including the Jews. And we agree to these arguments since they are correct for every man coming into this world. But while saying that symbolism is devil’s language, what can we say about the language that God is revealing His truths to His people through? It is very important to understand that in order to separate in your consciousness the voice of God from other voices. Here is what we can know from the Word of God about the language that He determined to speak with His people:
First of all we should say that the God-breathed word of the Bible is the only source of God’s Word. So says the apostle Peter about it: “men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.” But Peter also says: “no prophesy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation”. It means that in order to understand God's word supernatural revelations are required. And without supernatural revelations the Bible is the basis of many heretical and satanic beliefs. As we also shall see further, occultists sincerely and reverently honor the Bible, Christ, holy prophets and apostles, but they attach to the words of the Bible only their own broad interpretation.
We have said that since the old days God was holding Israel from the language of symbols. (the prophesy of Ezekiel: "... The son of man... Dig into a wall... ") But what God was well pleased with? We spoke, that the law of Moses was given to the Jews for its direct fulfillment. And it was God's language for His people of Israel. And further: "I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden since the creation of the world". That is, the parable is also God's language. So Solomon had composed three thousand parables " for attaining wisdom... and the words of insight, for acquiring a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just, and fair; for giving prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the young – let the wise listen and add to their learning. The parable helps to understand proverbs and sayings and riddles of the wise.” So a parable helps to throw light upon “the sayings and riddles of the wise” but not upon the symbols as occultists insist. And further: “The Lord used a prophet to bring Israel up from Egypt, by a prophet He cared for him; through the prophets He told parables and gave many visions”, - says the prophet Hosea. That means that the direct prophesies and visions from God are His direct language to His people. As Israel was falling off from God, the prophet Isaiah says: “Priests and prophets stagger when seeing visions and stumble when rendering decisions.” So if someone stops seeing visions from God and prophesying, if someone loses the opportunity to speak with God in His language, he inevitably begins to stumble in rendering decisions and turns to the symbols of occultism. Before the coming of Christ the prophets announced the great things: “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” With appearing of Jesus Christ God planed to present to people the works of the Holy Spirit in its various forms: a sign of other tongues, prophesy, vision and many other gifts of the Holy Spirit, He intended to present the direct face to face communication with God to every believer in Christ. And a new era was opened for the people in a form of new superior language between man and God. Christ also taught and preached in parables to carnal man. But He said: “I am going to him who sent me and though I have been speaking figuratively, a time is coming when I will no longer use this kind of language but will tell you plainly about my Father”. And more: “ For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John, now the kingdom of Heaven is preached”. It means that due to an opportunity of spiritual revival in Christ by faith in Him the revived man was able to “see the angels of God ascending and descending” and talk to God face to face.
So, God’s language to Israeli people – is a language of the law, proverbs, prophesies, visions and pouring of God’s Spirit on all people. And there is a direct probation of God against the language of symbols and against perception of God through His attributes. That is, by the last time before the coming of Christ God did determine it to for the Jewish people, as occultists speak- "hovering in this height, where there is neither more attributes, nor images, nor forms." But the Jews long before Christ’s coming have stood up on the different path, a path of occultism and have chosen for themselves devilish language of symbolism.
The prophesy of Asaph: "All this destruction the enemy has brought on the sanctuary, they defiled the dwelling place of your Name. Your foes are roaring in the place where You met with us; they set up their standards as signs. They behaved like men wielding axes, they said in their hearts: "We will crush them completely",- and they burned every place where God was worshiped in the land". What other "signs" God is talking about, if it is about the language of symbolism ?
Having discussed a little bit the symbolism of occultism and having cleared up for ourselves that “Lassos of Taro” are the highest symbols of the world occultism where the Jews are involved in as well, we make the following declaration. Words of the Bible (Revelation):_ “He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead…the mark which is the name of the beast or the number of his name…” – these words mean none other than the marking of the people of the earth with symbols of Lassos of Taro and their concealed meaning.
Oh, if only the antichrist is coming to mankind in the form of dragon with horns, hoofs and raptorial bared teeth, breathing evilness, lusts and murders, then people will not definitely worship him. On the contrary, he will come with craftiness, flattery and perfect likeness of righteousness, godliness and philanthropy, with signs and wonders, with enlightenment, knowledge and gods’ honoring, with humanism and justice, with “peace and safety”. That’s why the majority will accept him as “Christ coming in the flesh.” The appearing of this “beast” before mankind will be accompanied by the following words: “the inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts.” Many deceptive and attractive theories of god’s perception and god’s worship being carefully selected among idol’s temples will be inculcated both in mankind and Christianity as if they were the highest Divine truths. And Christians will revel in these. It is already so. The mystery of the six-final star and the reflection of it and all other occult symbols on the earth in pagans, in the Jews, and now also in Christianity seems very great and admirable. That’s why mankind worships it. Moreover, the Lord “has apportioned it to all the nations under heaven.” And He gave us the commandment: “This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666”.
“Lassos of Taro” contain certain laws knowing which the initiated man receives a magic power not only over the whole universe and mankind, but also over spiritual creatures (angels, spirits). The knowledge of the Law of Analogy of Hermes Trismegist ( Emerald Tablet), the knowledge of the Law of Tetragrammaton as the Law of Substance Self-assertion in Creativity, knowledge of the doctrine about Sefirot system as ten Originally-supreme Principles or Representations of the One God, knowledge of the Law of Quaterner and its modifications etc. etc. - knowledge about all this Regal Science, as occultists call it, makes the initiated person a godlike man, provides him with the unlimited authority over the uninitiated ones. As the knowledge of the laws of physics, chemistry, mathematics and other exact sciences, which are also dissolved in "Lassos... ", develops the scientific and technical progress (STP), and the civilization of mankind is carried out through it being a world of supreme principles realization, so does the knowledge of the superior spiritual laws concealed in triangles, squares, five-pointed and six-final stars and other symbols of "Lassos... ", result the initiated people in the supreme magic authority over humankind. The ancient serpent was right, offering man a secret knowledge: " you will be like gods knowing... " And we say, that " kings for an hour"..., but ".. .. like gods knowing... " And we state with boldness, that there is nothing higher than this number in the universe, which is determined by God to the deceived mankind under all heaven, since even the minor contact with the spiritual nature the Jewish Torah, Cabala, Talmud and the magic of the Jews, the Sacred Book Tota - Great Lassos of Taro - the encyclopedia of occultism of all mankind; and also the familiarization with Vedas’ literature of the East, Koran, "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" and global synthetic philosophy of esotericism demonstrate the majesty and altitude of spiritual potential of world occultism. There is nothing wiser and higher for the deceived people of the earth than the Jewish Torah - the set of religious books and huge number of commentaries to them of the mankind teachers - the Jewish rabbis. Saying, that there is nothing wiser and higher than the number 666 under heaven, we mean, that only God Himself is the most all-wise. As well as Moses talks about it: "And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars – all the heavenly array – do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. But as for you, the Lord took you to be the people of His inheritance." Thus, all the heavenly array, i.e. all cosmos in an astrological six-final star of the Zodiac signs is given up by God to the nations, which have not known God, but for God's people He had determined only Himself. But since the old days until now the Jewish nation has been fornicating against God, yielding to worship the heavenly array. And today the symbol of the six-final star is revealed even more and more evidently in all religions of the earth, including the world-wide Christianity.