(V. Shmakov. " The Great Lassos of Taro": "In the first place there is the Cabala of the Jews; the doctrine about mystical meanings of symbols of the Jewish alphabet is an ancient Science about Lassos in all its purity. Each letter corresponds to a Lasso that is why to study a secret of any letter or their combination means to study the related Lasso".
(R. Akiba): "At the moment of creation of the world, twenty two letters of the Judaic alphabet engraved on the crown of the Lord by fiery chisel, suddenly went down from their places and placed in front of Him. Then each letter said: "create a world through me ".
The world, according to what cabalists teach, was formed under the mystical plan of the Jewish alphabet together with harmony between the letters, which God used when writing the Book of Life. It is the combination of these letters carries out beauty and perfection of the universe, and since the world was exposed to life during the process of this alphabet proclamation, naturally there is a whole lot of things connected to each separate letter, that is why each thing is a letter and an emblem. Thus, the Jewish letters have a mysterious power not only because they help to reveal analogies in the universe and some harmonies in its constitution, i.e. the things, which ignoramuses can never perceive, but also because these letters serve as though channels, through which the deeds of the Godhead are poured out in mind.
And more: "The Sacred texts including Tanakh, numerous works of its interpreters, such as Talmud, Cabala and many others, play in Judaism such a peculiar role, that the title of these whole literature - Torah is untranslatable into any other language. Once someone has well said, that the books honored as the sacred ones among other peoples, are considered being something, given by the Heaven, but only Judaism is based on the fact that Torah is the Heaven Itself. Another words, the Jewish Torah is the core of Divine revelation, which not only forms the basis for religious, public and political life, but also has the highest value in itself. As our wise men spoke, God was looking in the Torah during Creation and He was making the universe according to it ".
(A. Steinzaltz): "The ways to correcting the world are outlined beforehand by the Torah, and a soul should use it like a compass to select the right direction. For Torah is not only the supreme revelation, but also a practical guidance to action which explains to a person how to execute a task of correcting the world".
(V. Shmakov. "The Great Lassos of Taro"): "Being a frame set of all surveys of human spirit on the paths of centuries in the area of the Eternal – Lassos can claim for authority. They do not demand a blind faith, but any person, having met with them, must if only for some time refrain from useless questions and listen if only to the first words, which these symbols communicate. "I believe in order to understand", - should say everyone who sets to perceive, and this is the key to his success. The further he follows the road opened to him, the more majestically and orderly the Supreme Synthetic Doctrine will appear before him being as old as the world".
(V. Shmakov. "The Great Lassos of Taro"): We obtain diversified statements, that Christ had left a secret teaching, as a testament to the beloved disciples which later gave a start to numerous gnostic schools. (John): "Jesus did many other things as well; if everyone of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written".
In the same way Christ is "the spiritual foundation" for occultists.