But let’s raise a well-timed question: "What is wrong in intention and capability of both pagans and the Jews to know God "through creation ", i.e. occultism, symbolism "Lassos…", gnosticism etc. What is wrong in it for mankind and man? Especially as it is an objectively existing way of knowledge of God, universe and man.
An answer: "Because all this is personified by the number 666, the Word of God talks about it, that this number is "the number of the beast".
A question: "But why is it necessary to name this number six hundred sixty six as "the number of the beast"? Where is hidden its "savage" nature? Why do we talk about the mystery of the antichrist being a fatal mystery of lawlessness threatening the earth and mankind?"
So, in order to fully answer the question: "Why the number six hundred sixty six is the number of the beast?" - we should start investigating one more mystery of this number a mystery of world Masonry.
Because of diversified publications about Masonry, we shall speak about the essence of it very superficially. Those wishing to become acquainted with it in more details can do it very easily, by looking through the book of S. Nilus: "The sublime inside the little" and uncountable editions of the books about Masonry and articles in periodicals. On the definite cause the reliable information concerning the essence of the world Masonry is historically extremely distorted and there are reasons for that. Since masons were always persecuted by all governments, and especially by Catholicism and Orthodoxy, the essence of Masonry was kept in secret. The external information on Masonry is rather elementary and seems attractive. But we shall try to expose the true essence of the world Masonry.
(From the monograph "About Masonry"): "The Masonry is a world-wide, secret primarily Jewish brotherhood, having for a purpose, - as masons talk about it, - to lead mankind to reaching of the earthly Eden, Golden Age, kingdom of love and truth, kingdom of Asteria.” But is it so indeed?
(S. Nilus: "The sublime inside the little". Briefly expressed essence of the book): the Masonry goes by its historical roots deep into centuries to the garden of Eden, to Adam and Eve, though the term "Masonry" as "the Order of the Free masons" belongs to the last centuries. According to the basic Masonic legend about Adoniram (or Hiram in another sources) – he was a chief architect, builder and artist of Solomon’s temple, Adoniram was a direct descendant of Cain, and Cain, according to this legend, was born not by Adam, but by the Lucifer – the Dawn, fiery cherubim who had attempted upon Eve’s beauty. As Cain’s free soul, according to what masons say, was unlimitedly surpassing above the servile soul of Adam and Abel containing a spark of the Lucifer – the Dawn, so was the soul of Adoniram unlimitedly towering above all mankind, since his genius was exposed with special brightness, inaccessible for ordinary people, and with glory, so that even all-wise Solomon envied him and was afraid of him. And the queen of Sheba was smitten with love for Adoniram more than for Solomon.
According to the main legend about Adoniram, founder of the Masonic temple, Adoniram was killed by worthless people. Since Adoniram had divided all workers on the temple into castes, i.e. into three subdivisions of ordination degrees: the disciple, comrade, and master depending on their proficiency and competence and he gave each caste a secret word. The representative of each caste would receive his salary having said his word in the treasurer’s ear. The worthless people of the lowest caste wanted to force him to reveal them a secret of the highest ordinations and, since Adoniram would not do it, they killed him. The murderers were striking him with a hammer, angle bracket and divider, therefore these three symbols are the main symbols of Masonry and they form a basis for all other symbols of Masonry.
The legend about Adoniram, who was a builder of the king Solomon’s temple is the bases of the world Masonic ordinances. The plot of this legend is simple. Adoniram excelled Solomon in his elementary idea of building a visible material temple using the power of his genius and genealogy. The idea of constructing a temple out of human souls upon the face of all the earth – that is the original foundation of Masonry. And therefore, the idea of the world-wide temple is a central symbol of the world Masonry.
And this indeed goes along with God’s plans for the Jewish people, since the idea of building a temple is one of the oldest purposes of God for His people, as the idea of building "the dwelling of God with men", "shown by God to Moses on the mountain". Initially this idea was meant for returning of both man and mankind to God and their perfecting. And in all pagan religions the analogy of the Nature - temple, the Temple – Universe was also meant to combine the world of God with the world of man. In Masonry a Temple is a symbol of great labor, building up, of both the divine and human. Raising according to the eternal plan of the Great Architect of the Universe, the Temple is also a symbol of the World order. In its turn, the World order, in the opinion of masons, is also created by their activity.
So, what about the idea of the temple. According to the Bible the idea of the temple has come to the Jews through Abraham and Moses. God spoke when making a covenant with Abraham: "the kings will come out of you". And so God said to Moses on the mountain: "If you obey Me fully and keep My covenant, you will be for me a kingdom of priests". Moses was also shown the tabernacle, as an image of the future temple, which Moses had constructed in the exact way. But God had directly announced about the temple to David through the prophet Nathan: "I will raise up your offspring, who will come from your own body, and I will establish his kingdom. He is the one who will build a house for my Name and I will establish a throne of his kingdom forever; I will be his father, and he will be my son". There is a prophesy about Christ in these words. Solomon, being the son of David in the flesh, had fulfilled the prophesy of Nathan and built a temple, but his kingdom was divided and fell, and the temple was destroyed. Therefore, the power and truthfulness of this prophesy has passed to Christ, but for this time it is in the spirit. "Destroy this temple and I will raise it again in three days", - said Christ about the temple of His Body. And more: "I shall build My Church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it".
We need to see in all of it, that the Old Testament Jews should had believed their prophets, through whom God legibly proclaimed, that the temple will be raised by the direct offspring of David: by Solomon and by Christ. But in the Masonic basis of temple construction upon the face of all the earth out of human souls is the legend about Adoniram, who was sent to Solomon from the king of Tyre and who had nothing to do with David’s genealogy. The king of Tyre personifies the fallen overshadowing cherubim in the prophesy of Ezekiel, that should be also taken in a serious consideration.
Moreover, the Jews stumbled at Christ and they did not include Him in the genealogy of David. And they have easily by mistake accepted Adoniram as the architect of the Masonic temple. You see, Ruth despite being a pagan entered David’s genealogy. But Ruth had accepted the worship of God which existed in that time among the Jews. Adoniram on the contrary rebelled against Solomon, having introduced from "the king of Tyre" the idea of the Masonic temple. So, the contours of the Masonic temple are outlined by a line of Eblis-Dawn, i.e. the devil, and those who are from him of Cain and Adoniram..., but not by the line of Abraham, Moses, David and Solomon!
When God spoke to Moses: "See that you make it according to the pattern shown you on the mountain ", - He commanded him "to make" such a place on the earth, where God would agree to dwell forever in the midst of the people of Israel. And Moses had made a tabernacle, where the Spirit of God's came down to and dwelt in it. Later on Solomon had built a temple according to the pattern of tabernacle and the glory of God filled it up. But not only the earthly place of God’s dwelling should be corresponding "to the pattern shown Moses on the mountain". The pattern of life of His people and the pattern of its service before God, its purposes and the meaning of existence, and its relation to the whole mankind, - all of it was meant to be corresponding to this dwelling place shown by God to Moses on the mountain. But it is not only this. God determined to return all created mankind to Himself, to transform the earth again into the garden of Eden. And He determined to do it through His nation, through the service of Israel before Him. But “Israel has not brought salvation to the earth”, - prophesies Isaiah.
Why did it happen that way? Because according to the God's providence the tabernacle made by Moses and later realized in Solomon’s temple was both “the image and shadow" the greater and the most perfect tabernacle, "not of that work", and "being an illustration of the present time is applying until the time of the new order". But nevertheless, this tabernacle corresponded to the pattern of the tabernacle, "shown Moses by God on the mountain", and that’s why God dwelt in it in the midst of His people. But Israel stepped off from God, crucified Jesus Christ, who was Sent from God, and the Spirit of God had left the temple. The temple was broken down and the pattern of the tabernacle was hidden from people’s eyes. Where is this tabernacle now and who sees its pattern? Christ, as the high Priest of the greater, not built by human hands and the most perfect heavenly tabernacle, i.e. the Heavenly Jerusalem, this eternal dwelling place of God with men, which indeed was shown Moses by God on the mountain, He is building the temple out of human souls, the temple out of His people - The Church of the Firstborns, a royal priesthood. That is, according to the great providence of His, God for a time has passed the priority of knowledge of Him to the believed pagans – to God’s church and there have been announced the words about the last time: "Abomination of desolation standing in the holy place", - meaning, that the pattern of the tabernacles shown by God to Moses on the mountain, will be substituted by a certain desolated pattern, i.e. instead of the heavenly tabernacle image there will be "made" something on the earth which is displeasing to God and God will disagree to dwell in this place ., which should be named "holy". By the last time as to Israel, so is to the whole Christianity institution in all the earth The words concern: "The mystery, Babylon the great!
So we look at the earth, mankind and earth civilization and we see, that the mankind "is suffering birth pains", trying to reflect the image of God’s tabernacle. But unimaginable counter occurrences and contradictions tear it apart. Apocalyptic pictures of the earth, nature, entrails, atmosphere destruction, and also - wars, epidemics and famine, violence and disasters, also - hopelessness, fear, despair and seduction are devouring it. And it is not without mankind’s worship "the Judaic god". And at the same time we see altitudes and perfection of the human genius, perfection of human spirit, human righteousness, we see perfection of scientific achievements, perfection of technique and heights of arts. The degrading of mankind and its progressive development are present at the same time. And it is not without mankind’s worship "the Judaic god". Mankind has stood before the dilemma of self-destruction and became suffused with the idea of survival. For the sake of this idea of survival, for the sake of the world peace, of the world-wide tranquility and order there will be soon sacrificed common sense, historical, national and religious prejudices, all what was dividing the nations along the centuries and was putting them in the position of confrontation and war. And it is not without mankind’s worship "the Judaic god". All religions of the earth, as if having agreed, are activating in sensation of mono honoring the United God. All centuries-old religious hostilities and differences retreat for the sake of unity, peace and survival of mankind, for the sake saving mankind "by the Judaic god". The Earth is being prepared to accept the "savior" of Judaic blood. All will be made in such a way, that no one will think, except for the Jews, no one will be engaged in politics, except for the Jews, no one will control production and armies, except for the Jews, no one will sing and play music, except for the Jews, construct and pant pictures, except for the Jews, treat and teach, except for the Jews, i.e. literally in all the prestigious forms of human activity the priority of the Jews will be indisputable. And the peoples will be prepared for this inevitability of the Jewish nation superiority. There comes an impression that it is a little bit more and mankind will overcome the painful and bloody childbirth, the earth will calm down, long-awaited “peace and safety" will come to it, the ecological, thermonuclear and other problems will be resolved. Mankind will force its way to undivided authority for all the earth under the sign of a six-final star of the Jews. The unified Super government of the earth with the Judaic super king will head all the nations and it will bring them stable, lasting welfare. The highly moral and educated nations "will beat their swords into plowshares", clear the earth and organize their life. The borders of the states will be deleted, the glaciers of the cold war "will be melted". The unified economical and political systems and projects will be formed put into practice. Mankind will accept the unified universal criteria of goods and evil, criteria of human righteousness, human perfection, principles of the universal humanism and justice, freedom and world peace. And it is not without mankind’s worship "the Judaic god ". And when the super king of Israel will come, mankind will applaud to him. All religions, including Christian will behold in him the one "coming in the flesh".
The flight of the human genius will lead to the discovery of anti graviton. And it is not without worship "the Judaic god". The anti gravitational space ships will fill the earth and carry people to different worlds; the advanced productions, robotics and computerization together with unique technologies will create overall material welfare, the perfect means of communication will connect and organize people. Man will settle upon the earth, having constructed new cities of the perfect architecture, harmonically combined with the nature, sweet smelling gardens will surround him. Man will make his life conditions out of perfect subjects and he will surround himself with pieces of arts. Life conditions of man will raise up to his being and the eternity will enter under man’s shelter. Man will combine in himself both earthly and heavenly things and will realize himself to be a man-god. Everything, that mankind could only dream of, will be reached by it. The Kingdom of Asteria! The Earthly Eden! A triumph of God, Eternity and Man!
But, alas! All these are "abomination of desolation standing where it does not belong", because God will step away from all of it. All this "will be made" not according "to the pattern shown Moses by God on the mountain". And all the above mentioned illusion is none other than the cunning craftiness of deceit, into which the devil will lead all peoples for the sake of the only purpose: "to steal, to kill and to destroy", since he can not have any other purposes. That’s where the tragedy of mankind is, being expressed in the mystery of the antichrist’s ascendance in the world, which does not correspond to "the tabernacle shown Moses by God on the mountain ".