Well, what about the idea of building the Masonic temple out of human souls upon the face of all the earth. It is not by chance that the Masonic idea of temple construction was born and took shape in the time when Solomon’s temple was getting built. The devil managed to insert in the minds of a certain part of the Jewish people this enticing idea of ecumenical temple for all nations of the earth with priesthood and reign of the Judaic nation. And all the history of Israel both before the coming of Christ and after His crucifixion is the realization of this temple idea according to Cain. But in former times the Jews were tempted by the forbidden way of knowledge of God "through creation", i.e. occultism and they chose the forbidden language of dialogue with God which is symbolism. And having obviously found out that "their eyes have opened, that they become like gods knowing...", and trusting the promise of reign and authoritative priesthood above all the earth, which were given to their fathers by God, they had willingly surrendered to the idea of building a temple in all mankind. But both the claims of Korah for the priesthood were untimely, because the coming of the Redeemer was yet expected and the revival in God to be a new justified creation was yet expected, and the claims of the Old Testament Jews for the idea of Masonic temple were untimely too. Free attitude to God’s prophesies about the temple and the acceptance of forbidden broad interpretation of it can be obviously tracked in the Masonic idea of the temple. That means that always and in all times, when the word of God was announced and God's people started fulfilling it, right there stood the devil both distorting the word of God and taking part of the rebellious people away. So it was with Adam and Eve, so it was in the time of Moses, and the apostles, and it is so in our days.
Every believer in Jesus Christ should learn solidly that no matter how attractive this idea of the temple is, it is delineated by a murderer from the beginning: by Eblis-Dawn, by Cain and Adoniram. Christ has said about the devil: "he was a murderer from the beginning". So speaks the apostle John about Cain: "Cain belonged to the evil one and murdered his brother". Adoniram, according to the legend of the masons, was murdered by worthless people. But in the basis of the Masonic temple construction is Adoniram’s revenge to all mankind. Here is the parole and slogan of the world Masonry: "Revenge to God and to His people". So, the line of a murderer goes through the idea of the Masonic temple. Therefore the number six hundred sixty six is named "the number of the beast"!
The word of God talks about it: "A stern-faced king, a master of intrigue will arise. He will become very strong but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed but not by human power».
And more: "The image of the beast will speak and cause all who refuse to worship the image to be killed..." Christ talks about it: "If the Lord had not cut short those days, no one would survive; but for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened them". Therefore the number six hundred sixty six is named "the number of the beast"!
So, we remain in the idea of the devil’s exposure, i.e. we are occupied with fact-finding and detection of the devil’s track in the defiled creation. It is expressed in the following: God spoke to Israel through Moses: "My Angel will go ahead of you and will bring you to the land of Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Cannaanites, Hivites and Jebusites, and I will wipe them out. Do not bow down before their gods, or worship them or follow their practices; you must demolish them and break their sacred stones to pieces". The idea of the Masonic temple sounds so: “My Angel will go ahead of you and will bring you to the land of Italians, French, Russians, Japanese, Negroes, Chinese etc., do not bow down before their gods or worship them, or follow their practices; but you must demolish them and break their sacred stones to pieces". God spoke to Israel through Moses: "I will establish your borders from the Red sea to the sea of Philistines, and from the desert to the river; I will hand over to you the people who live in the land, and you will drive them out before you. Do not make a covenant with them or their gods. Do not let them live in your land..." But in the idea of the Masonic temple it sounds so: "I will establish your borders from the sea to the sea, and from the desert to all the rivers of the earth; I will hand over to you the people of all the earth and you will drive them out before you. Do not make a covenant with them or their gods. Do not let them live in your land..."
That is, the Jews have spread along all the earth and mankind the temporary God’s commands (up to the coming of Christ) through broad free interpretation represented by the Masonic idea of the temple and having done this they infringed upon confrontation with everybody who is not a Jew. Having crucified Christ, they advanced to crucify the christianized mankind.
Therefore the number six hundred sixty six is named "the number of the beast"!
But let ask ourselves a question: "Can we seriously suppose, that the Jews are the only ones guilty of all mankind’s troubles? To think so means to simplify the sophisticated processes of mankind evolution, which are connected to God, to the devil, and to cosmos, and to many social factors of existence? And the true Christian should say, that the process of mankind’s rebellion against God is extremely complicated and tragic, that all nations have contributed to this rebellion. But! No nation on the earth worked on it as forcefully and artfully as the Jewish nation did. No nation on the earth was as warlike and constant against "heresies of Jesus of Nazareth", as the Jewish people were. It is clear, that in historical strife of the Jews against all the opposing nations the alignment of forces was not at their advantage. All nations and tribes, hostile to them, considerably surpassed them in power and might. The only thing the Jews had was faith in God and His promises. Their participation in God's Word from the very beginning was putting them in a superior position comparing to the other nations, it was working out in them the principles of survival, it was making them wise. The apostle Paul talks about it: "What advantage, then, is in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? Much in every way! First of all they have been entrusted with the very words of God". But not having kept in purity their service before God and having evaded in occultism and gnosticism and having been rebaptised in the devil, and continuing their historical war for its nation and its ideas survival, they had also displaced the accents of their strife. The first one and irreconcilable enemy for the Jews after Christ became world-wide Christianity. Acting skillfully and diversified against, as they call it " heresies of Jesus of Nazareth", the Jews acted against christianized mankind and all of its principles and traditions, due to which they caused incorrigible destruction both to mankind and the earth. All the nations have contributed to the work of earth destruction, but the Jews are unconditional leaders in individual share of the earth destruction. It is possible to say, that the Jews are the angels – destroyers of the earth, because they worshiped the satan and have given him a place in themselves, though it is necessary to consider each case separately. The words of the Bible: "I will destroy those who destroy the earth", - first of all and predominantly relate to the Jews. There is a sense to believe in an objective truth of tragedy, happening to the earth. There is a sense to see in the Masonic idea of the ecumenical temple under the head of supreme king of Judaic nation the mightiest providence of the fallen cherubim overshadowing and his track in Cain and Adoniram, which can be put in the words: "Revenge to God and to His people".
On the other hand, no nation or world religion has rendered the Jews as principled massive confrontation, as Christianity has. Because all the pagan experience in God’s perception has appeared to be of the same nature that Judaism, whether it is Islam, or Vedas religion, or cults of the retrograded peoples. That’s why the struggle of Judaism against all pagan religions was not so severe and bloody. Only Christianity has entered a fatal fight against "the Judaic god". Therefore, the Old Testament commandments of God declared through Moses – “demolish them, and destroy their sacred stones...”, and “they must not live in your land..." the Jews have related first of all to both Christianity and christianized mankind. And from century to century the Jews of Cain have been spilling the blood of Christians who were of Abel destroying Christianity and trampling the truth. Therefore the number six hundred sixty six is named "the number of the beast"! We are not shielding the deeds of historical Christians, who were dragging "the judaisers heretics" in fires and courts of inquisition. It was done by Christians of Cain with the Jews of Cain. There is a sense to slightly open a curtain of the mystery of "the number of the beast", if the Jews of Cain are uprooting from the earth the seed of God- Christians of Abel.
And in this sense we speak: "The last book of the Bible is apocalypses. The last true vision of the world is apocalyptic. We believe the words of Christ: "... Nations will be in anguish and perplexity…Men will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken." And we see ecumenical destruction of the world-wide scale, destruction of the fundamentals of human relations, absence of any prospect, hopelessness of tomorrow's day, fear of approaching chaos, lawlessness, depression due to so-called progressive changes, overall pointlessness of further existence – this is the meaning of the words: "for the heavenly bodies will be shaken." People have lost and forgotten what the rest is, or even elementary comfort, they have lost elementary fun. Mourning and groans, sadness and depression, intuitive desire not to live, not to be. "Terror and pit for you, inhabitants of the earth", - speaks the Jewish prophet Isaiah. The disorder of economic connections (except for Judaic), overall indebtedness of everybody to everybody, overall lifelessness of productions (except for Judaic), strung up prices, hyperinflation – it is an apocalypses in the economical sphere. And all of this is not without mankind’s worship "the Judaic god".