In fact, the whole struggle both in the Jewish nation, and in all world religions had and has place for: 1) the way of perception of God (occultism, i.e. knowledge of God “through creation” or the direct knowledge of God in the Holy Spirit); 2) the form of service to God (idol’s temple or sanctuary); 3) language of dialogue with God (symbolism or faith and keeping the Lord's commandments); 4) spiritual environment and spiritual manifestations (magic or serving as priests in God’s Spirit).
But! Long before Christ the elite Judaism "had staggered" at all four points toward the elite paganism, i.e. "had returned to Egypt and began to drink water from Shihor", i.e. had chosen the way of God’s perception, which was given away by God to the pagans. Let's recollect: "... Do not worship the host of Heaven... which the Lord, your God has allotted to all nations under all the heavens. But the Lord has taken you to be to Him a people of inheritance". Thus, all the host of Heaven is given away by God to all the pagans, who have not known God, but for God's people God determined only Himself.
Uniting in the spirit with elite paganism, historical Judaism was taking it in, and ruled over it spiritually. (Blavatskaya): "Саbala did not appear among the Jews, for the later have gotten their conceptions from the Babylonians and Egyptians". And the Bible demonstrates it exhaustively by the history of Old Testament Israel, which was fornicating with every possible graven image of the neighboring nations. The historical documents testify, that the doctrine of Cabala, having direct and close connection with ancient Egypt, both at the beginning of the Jewish history, and later during the time of magnificent Ptolomeys had a lot of brilliant representatives in Alexandria led by Philon. It was historically established, that the Egyptian priests of a regal Ptolomeys’ dynasty from century to century were scrupulously collecting pearls of pagan occult God’s perception from all parts of the world and were putting them in storehouses of the famous Alexandria library. Doing so they hoped to have a spiritual authority over the world. But Caesar in 48 AD., Bishop Pheofan in 390 and Omar who was a faithful servant of Koran in 640 had burnt up the Alexandria library, irrevocably having exterminated the values of the world occult heritage. Right then after the crucifixion of Christ and scattering, the Jews have collected by grains the remains of occult knowledge along the world and have preserved them, having exalted themselves due to their Cabala and Lassos of Taro above the whole world experience of God’s perception. This is what the “Lassos of Taro” talk about it: (Shmakov V.): "Cabala is a mysterious mystical doctrine, which was born, as cabalistic legend state, even before the creation of the world, and which was opened to the forefather Adam when he was yet in paradise. Cabala, as the science about Eternal True, about principles and qualities of the Divinity, lies outside of time and reigns over it. Cabalists assert that the Truth is unified, it precedes the birth of man and undividedly reigns in all times. The Cabala is the most clean and sacred philosophy. The doctrine of Cabala, having direct and close connection to ancient Egypt at the beginning of the Jewish history, continued to have connection to it during the magnificent Ptolomeys. In the Middle Ages the Regal Science of Cabala recruited the adherents for itself mostly out of the Jewish people. By this way the destiny pleased for the ancient doctrine to be kept in entrails of the Jewish people. And the Jews have managed to keep the science of ancient sanctuaries during the ages. Cabala rightfully calls itself a science about God, man and universe introducing a full volume of the integrated aspect of Regal Science. Twenty two letters of the Jewish alphabet also represent the Sacred Book Tota".
The scattering of the Jews among the whole world after the crucifixion of Christ became a sign for the Jews from their "judaic god", that the time has come of their world-wide ruling, i.e. construction of the ecumenical temple, according to their ancient promises that God gave to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. And they had set about to it after having scattered among the whole face of the earth.
But we shall return to the core of the world Masonry: we have said already, that the Masonry goes by its roots deep in history, i.e. the first ideas of a temple construction upon the face of all the earth were born and formed in times of Solomon’s temple. And as a matter of fact, all biblical struggle between the prophets of God and prophets of Baal, kings worshipping God and kings worshipping graven images, is none other than a battle between the true way of God’s worship and the way of occult perception of God, the cult of Masonry. The words of Ezekiel: "He brought me to the opening of the court; And He said to me, Son of man, dig in the wall now. And I dug in the wall, and, behold, an opening. And he said to me. Go in and see the evil abominations that they do here. And I went in and saw. And behold, every kind of creeping thing, and hateful beast, and all the idols of the house of Israel, were carved on the wall all around. And seventy men of the elders of the house of Israel, and each man with his censor in his hand. And the odor of the cloud of incense was rising…" – these words reveal to us in the best way a meeting of Masonic lodge in that time, since the same things are possible to see in the Masonic lodge today. In the same way the doors of Masonic lodges are closed for the uninitiated, there are the same symbols on the walls, the same incense rising, the same purposes.
Let’s mention again the symbolic of Masonry. All many-sided activity of the masons was embodied and encoded in a set of symbols and regulations. Since the old days it was prohibited on pain of deaf to commit Masonic secrets to pen, paintbrush, and chisel. The only permissible way was the oral communication of secrets after the preliminary oath to keep silence. All secrets are in symbols. These symbols are external sketch of great secret truths. "The symbol provides room and freedom to a thought; the dogma holds down and subordinates", - say masons.
The Masonic interpretation: (from the book of a Jew - cabalist Sen-Martin, retold by V.М.): Once upon a time there was a man named Adam – Kadmon (a race of people), the perfection and power of whom were provided by connection of his soul to God. (He was essentially the god himself). Then he "had fallen" because of "abusing his will" and was turned to an ordinary imperfect man. The fall of Adam was triple: in the spirit, in the soul and in the body. In the first one he has fallen in his imagination, in the second - when he fell asleep, in the third – when he was tempted by the serpent. Although Adam was combining in himself both male and female natures, he had no body in a sense of the earthly transient substance and only being tempted by the serpent, i.e. uniting with a substance, he has lost a similarity to the Spirit, which created him and accepted the image of immortal creature. However he was left memories both about the beauties of Eden and supreme God’s knowledge. That is, there has remained for him an opportunity of revival through studding Cabala. That is, at first he was learning to communicate with spirits, and then with God Himself. (It appears, that the Masonic degrees -33 degrees of ordination are stages of this revival.) And Adam has kept in his heart a ray of light illuminating paradise which was left by him, and this ray continued to enlighten him with all-knowing grace. And he passed to his children this ray of light, but as the fragments of a substance were multiplying and dabbing, the ray was losing its brightness; only some elected men, who were pining for the lost Eden, had kept in the hearts this bright ray of grace. Fear to lose the knowledge of supreme ordinances for ever in the course of time made some wise men put it in symbols. These symbols were passed to the elects after long trials. Wise Solomon was one of the elects and he had in mind to raise up a Great Temple so that this temple could symbolically communicate to both descendants and to all craving for it - the truth of the Divine knowledge. This very light of knowledge was both passed and kept by the elect wise men and it has reached masons. (V.М. Well, that means the succession of masons to Adam and his perfection.)
In the basis of Masonic symbols are a hammer, angle bracket and divider. As we have already said, Adoniram was murdered by worthless people of the lowest caste for not divulging of the great ordinations secret. The murderers were striking him with a hammer, angle bracket and divider, therefore these three symbols are the main symbols of Masonry and they base all the other symbols of it.
Let’s go further. Therefore, a divider opened at 60 grades is a symbol of the supreme reason. Therefore, the equilateral triangle or two triangles of a six-final star are the highest symbols of the Jews. Furthermore, twelve signs of the zodiac are harmoniously joined in this six-final star. The whole universe, the whole cosmos are marked by this star. The six-final star contains a set of meanings and interpretations, but one of the main ones is put into words: “Substitution of the one who will be later for the one who was before”. But we will yet return to this.
Here is some more information about symbols. The Spirit, vital power and reason are embodied in the Masonic symbolic of a shining star. In the symbol of the sun there are truth, courage, justice, active power. In the symbol of the moon there are pure love, nature, reason. Seven stars personify ethereal dwelling of Knowledge, reason, conscience, Godly fear and love. Three-candled-stick personifies a spiritual origin and honor the constructor of the world in Eden’s purity, service under the laws of Moses, freed from idolatry and (even) Christian revelation. A natural rock stands for rough morals, chaos. A cubical rock stands for treated morals. A branch of acacia stands for immortality. A coffin, skull and bones stand for defiance of death and grief about truth disappearance. A round hat is a symbol of liberty. A three-cornered hat is a part of the six-final star...
The arms, banners and any heraldry – everything has a secret meaning in the Masonic symbolic, even ties, gestures... etc. It is easy to see the symbolic of Masonry in everything.
Three ways were used for recognizing a member of order in a stranger: a sign for a sight, a word for a hearing, a tangency for a sense of touch. Being in a strange land the mason would demand of distinguishing lodge signs and carpets. In the highest ordinations the masters of a lodge should execute 7 signs, 4 touches, 1 sacred word and 4 through-passing words. Doublets, long mantles, cuff-links and belts, suits of armor - everything had its symbolical meaning for a mason. (Lursa - Gobelin tapestries, salutation between Eltsin and Ryasanov by a nose tangency are Masonic signs etc. "Eiffel Tower" - a shooting up triangle is the symbol of Paris of 19 century; the building of a square shape - is a symbol of the Jewish plan realization, and it was also a symbol of Paris in 20-th century etc.)
We should separately mention the symbol of a cross in the Masonic symbolic. (Blavatskaya: "The Secret Doctrine"): "the initial idea of "the crucified man" belongs to Hindus. Platon had accepted it in equally-final a cross in space in a sense of "the second God", embodying itself in the universe in the form of a cross. As well as Krishna is represented by "the crucified". Prometheus is another victim, for he was crucified on the Cross of Love, on the rock of human passions, he is a victim by virtue of his devotion to an idea of spiritual element development in mankind. Four ends of the cross indicate four parts of the world, Hindus had bent four ends of the cross and made swastika out of it, which is now a magic staff of the Mongols - Buddhists. Four ends of the cross, being directed toward four parts of the world, are therefore lost in Limitlessness. The secret of the cross is hidden in the following words of Hermetic Wisdom: "Separate the Earth from Fire, thin form from the dense one. Ascend from the earth to the heaven, and then again descend to the earth ". Rosenkreitzers are embodied in the symbol of "Cross and Rose".
"The numbers 3,4,7 are sacred numbers of Light, Life and Unification. The number 6 is considered an emblem of the physical nature in ancient mysteries. Because the number 6 is a pattern of six dimensions of all bodies of six directions: four of them are: north, south, east and west and two are upwards and downwards. Being of a six-edged nature is applied to a physical person, being seven-edged is applied to a soul".
Here is more information about symbols of Masonry. (V. Shmakov. "Great Lassos of Taro"): "A square with a triangle inside and a point in this triangle is a symbol of the Book of Wisdom (Lassos). The point, as well as a zero, is a natural symbol of Absolute, which is for ever and basically beyond our comprehension: zero point is higher than any number, it contains any of them in itself and, at the same time, it is for ever beyond comprehension and it can be learnt only by means of approach. A triangle is a symbol of reality; everything that exists is learnt by a man in terners (triangles), all the others are abstract forms of intellection, which revive as far as they are given life by terner’s principle - this is the only one and natural emblem of existence. The square is a symbol of the realization world, the world of illusion - Maya, which is based on four natural principles both carrying out the existence as such, and determining a flow channel of its whole life".
Five-pointed star is a symbol of all-might and autocracy of reason. All keys of cabala to the prophesies are in this sign of a pentagram. It is the star of microcosm.
The six-final star contains a set of meanings and interpretations, of what we have already said and to what we shall yet return...
Number 666, symbolizing a six-final star, is "the man’s number" in a sense that man has partaken of it and that he is given to learn the mystery of this number. And the symbolic of this number is more than all symbols of mankind: the five-pointed star, a cross, swastika, crescent and, accordingly, all other symbols. All the symbolic of the earth is just anticipating the superiority and suspected sway of the six-final star over the earth. But all the signs and symbols of the earth are of the same nature that the six-final star’s, - of the world spirit. ("Revelation" of John): "The ten horns are ten kings, who for one hour will receive authority as kings along with the best; they have one purpose and will give their power and authority to the beast". "They have one purpose... ", - that demonstrates the same spiritual nature of all signs and symbols of the earth. And the fact that " they will give their power and authority to the beast", demonstrates the superiority of the six-final star symbol over all symbols and signs of the earth. When the six-final star ascend the throne over the earth, then all other signs and symbols of the earth will be abolished as being of no use or will take the subordinated position.
Let’s say some words about rituals of masons. Rituals of three lowest degrees are the symbolic of the ethical origins - of equality, brotherhood, love and non-resistance to evil. There are so-called "Lodges of John", lodges of blue and golden color, i.e. lodges of the lowest ordinations – are the pensive preachers. Their parole is: "Sow the seeds of the Kingdom of light". Their goodness are obedience, self-knowledge, rejection of pride, love for mankind, generosity, devotion, modesty, love for death. That is, in the lowest ordinations of Masonic lodges, in so-called preparatory lodges, the activity of the initiated is limited by making "a Temple of the Lord" inside themselves, i.e. laborious work on a rough rock which symbolizes a natural condition of man. Therefore, the main working tools in Masonry are divider, angle bracket and hammer. The advancing of a mason up on a stairway of ordination degrees (there are 33 of them) – is marked by each stage of his move towards "the Truth in search of the Great Meaning of the Lost Word", in which is hidden the first and the last mystery of life. The Masonry of the lowest ordinations is a "science of morals hidden behind a curtain of allegories and revealed by means of symbols".
The highest degrees of Masonic lodges were exhorted with cabala, magic, alchemy. The initiated man was obliged to believe in God and to love his neighbor. But! The initial principle of non-resistance to evil of John’s Lodges was making way for another principle of the next ordinations, which allowed to fight the evil by force. These were red lodges, lodges of the functionaries – who were executors of purposes of the struggle against all mankind for the sake of the world autocracy. Here are both revolutionaries, and bankers, both industrial workers, and supreme officers, both kings, and priests. This is what the words of the Bible correspond to: "There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast..." - it is a color of the Masonic red lodge functionaries.
The rituals of high degrees symbolized a strife for an ideal by force, the glory of suffering for an idea, cruel mercilessness towards the enemies and betrayers. The last degrees of Masonic lodges prepared the only chosen supermen to be avengers for trampled rights of mankind (it is meant here under the Jewish rule), in a struggle against despotism both civil and church.
But the highest ordinations are black lodges, they are so-called "lodges of the theoretical brothers", i.e. the secret leaders of both the world Masonry and the Jews in all the earth. They are the only ones possessing a theoretical understanding of all fundamentals of life, they are the legislators of all ideas, they are an actual super - authority of mankind.
There takes a place the direct likening of Masonic lodges to the ancient temple of Solomon. As the temple consisted of Solomon’s partico - the location of those preparing to enter the temple and start serving as priests, so the lodges have the preparatory class of John’s lodge. As the temple had serving priests of the first "holy" tabernacle, so the red lodges of masons exist directly executing all the practical work inside mankind. As the temple had the second tabernacle "the holy of holies", where the high priest spoke with God face to a face and was bringing out God’s words to the people, so the masons of the highest ordinations speak with their god face to face in the black lodges and continue ruling over the Jews in all the earth.
Let’s mention the administrative structure and hierarchy of Masonry. The Masonry has always been a secret organization, though the external, ceremonial facades would be occasionally opened to outcasts. But to enter the highest ordinations or to know something about the highest leadership is not possible for anybody from the lowest cast. Any highest ordination is completely closed for the lowest, so long as the lowest receives the secret invitation to the highest ordination. The order fulfillment of the highest by the lowest is an irrevocable condition on pains of death.
For example, (B. Alexandrovski: "Behind the scenes of a visible authority" 1984 y.): "A mason who has withdrawn from obedience is punished by civil death. If you are a businessman, there will be privately pronounced a boycott against you and your business will go bust; if you are an official, journalist, musician – you will be dismissed from your work, - driven out from edition or theatre; if you are a political figure and a member of a parliament – your career is over etc. If a mason, who has withdrawn from the obedience had a high "grade" and possessed secrets, he was destroyed physically".