Let’s talk again about the idea of the temple. Thus, Masonry goes by its roots deep in history. And it is not incidentally that the Masonic idea of temple construction out of human souls upon the face of all the earth was born and took its shape while Solomon’s temple was getting built, because there was God’s will for that, and it was expressed by God by the promise word to His people.
But before that the Jews, as we have already said, were tempted by the forbidden way of God’s knowledge "through creation", i.e. occultism and they have chosen the forbidden language of dialogue with God, which is symbolism. And having obviously found out, that "their eyes have opened, that they become like the gods knowing...", and believing the promise of reign and service as priests over the whole earth, given to their fathers by God Himself, they have willingly surrendered to the idea of temple construction in all mankind, but this time not in the true God, but in "the judaic god". And all the history of Israel both up to the coming of Christ, and after His crucifixion is a realization of this of idea of the temple according to Cain.
For example: (as a reminder) Occultism introduces the whole orderly philosophical system purposing to synthesize knowledge in order to establish the laws which control all the phenomena of both visible, and mainly invisible world. Besides, occultism consists of the whole group of special sciences and knowledge studying invisible world and its manifestations inside the visible one. Thus, the main task of occultism is penetration and knowledge of concealed secrets of the universe, life and death. And further, occultism recognizes three origins or three plans of existence: 1) Spiritual or divine world, which is researchable with the help of analogy. Its representative is the spirit. 2)Spiritual or astral world, accessible for observation only under known conditions. Its representative is energy or power. 3) Physical inconceivable world, which can be perceived by external feelings. Its representative is substance.
Owing to the fact that occultism studies three plans of existence, the realization of the superior plans in the lowest physical world is extremely relevant for occultists. Therefore the idea of temple construction out of the human souls upon the face of all the earth is rather bright and desirable purpose for the Jews, as being the realization not only of the Jewish nation survival idea, but also of supreme purpose of ministering to the Unified True God.
The first centuries of the Christian era were the time, when the theory of this temple idea was taking shape in the lowest physical plan, i.e. in practical, social aspect, since the Masonry is mainly the organization carrying out practical realization of all theoretical ideas of the Jews.
During the first centuries of the Christian era the theoretical rethinking of all Old Testament promises and laws of Moses’ was completed, and it was expressed in basic foundations of Cabala, Talmud and magic of the Jews and in acceptance of all the occult god perception of world paganism. But even the Gospel of Christ and apostles has found a place in the basic foundations of Cabala and Lassos of Taro. And having basically completed theoretical rethinking of their heritage, and having scattered among the nations after banishment from the promised land, the Jews had set about to practical realization of super idea of ecumenical temple through the secret organization of world-wide Masonry in the first centuries of the Christian era.
It should be mentioned that the alignment of forces in the beginning of this path was not at the Jews’ benefit. First of all it is necessary to note, that the Jews had lost their state, since they were scattered among all the nations. As a result, they lost a capability to conduct national economy, not having at all a capability to be stabilized and grow rich as a nation. They had no capability at all to have their own army, armed forces, which would guard them as a nation from external enemies. Later, from century to century the Jews were suffering from constant persecutions from the growing Christianity of the Orthodox church, which was continually afflicting Judaism for "judaic heresy". And also, from century to century the Jews were oppressed by militant Islam, which actively led messianic "holy" wars. Furthermore, the Jews were historically kept down by the local peoples in their settlements, because since the old days they bore on themselves a word: "a Jew is detestable for the Egyptian". Furthermore, the origins of every possible objective difficulty as a result of scattering, namely: doing scattered farming, communication problem, rapid travels, the difficulty of mutual aid, constant threats from both outside and inside etc., - all if this kept the Jews on the edge of nation extinction or its assimilation among other peoples.
But no matter how paradoxical it seems, it was only working for the Jews in the best way. No world nation has demonstrated such a power of survival as the Jews did. And the more so, no nation revealed such an ideological principality, as the Jews did.
But in order for it to come true, they required the following qualities to achieve the objected purposes: faith, wisdom, self-denial, bravery, constancy and other qualities of God's people. And they did reveal them, for since the old days the whole nation was formed of God in these qualities. But! Other qualities were also extremely needed for them, since to survive in the midst of aggressive peoples, executing their plans not in the true God any more, they needed to lie, use cunning, be imprudent, to flatter, to be skilful in everything, to be artful, to be merciless and severe to the enemies etc. The Jews revealed all of this in entirety.
As it is said: "A stern-faced king, a master of intrigue will arise. He will become very strong but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes…" It is also necessary to say, that in the beginning the Jews were probably yet weak in approaching the realization of their plans and in their conscience they still had a need of relative "justification". Hence their initial slogan sounded so: "the purpose justifies the means". Later on, their conscience "was perfected", i.e. they became unscrupulous in selection of the means to achieve the purposes and the above mentioned slogan "was perfected": "the purpose corresponds to the means". And during the last centuries, committing coups, revolutions, genocide, and also corrupting and enslaving other nations and committing other crimes against God and mankind, they ended up with the sense of "sanctification" of murderous means by their purpose of world-wide autocracy. The one who has told them: "No, you will not surely die, but you will be like the gods knowing", - was also able to say the following: "the purpose sanctifies the means". So, the idea of the temple according to Cain requires the means of Cain.
And taking into consideration all the circumstances of the Jewish plan realization, we make the following statement: "The world-wide Israel policy as a means of achievement the purpose, is the policy of the "Trojan horse", and the world-wide purpose of Israel is an overturn of the six-final star...
The policy of the "Trojan horse" is purely explainable for the Jews. Simply there could not exist even theoretically any other opportunity of realization the idea of the world autocracy except for entering all the court yards of all kings, all religions and all existing representations, pretending being humble and recognizing the laws and regulations of these authorities and, pretending to work for the hosts, in reality with every constancy from century to century work for their nation. Then they plan having become stronger up to the certain limits, to take all of it in their hands.
Concerning the overturn of the six-final star we should say the following. The six-final star contains a set of meanings and interpretations, but one of the main ones is put into words: "Substitution of the one who will be later for the one who was before".
The six-final star in Masonic symbolic consists of a black upper triangle personifying "a malicious God-Christ the alpha” and the lower white triangle, personifying "a good god – the Lucifer- an omega". Therefore, the whole sense of the Jewish world-wide policy consists of the six-final star overturn.
("The Encyclopedia of occultism". Pryamin-Morozov V. М.): "the ascending triangle is the initial, and descending is the reflected one (V.М. i.e. the ascending triangle means the triangle, which ascends, i.e. the lower white triangle personifying the Lucifer). The ascending triangle must include (i.e. it is yet in the process of completion, V.М.) a figure of the Radiant Elder, the descending triangle is a shaded image of another human figure, not white – bearded and not radiant, but black-bearded and massive. We have the great scheme of two universally-mighty androgynes: Macroprosop, or another words a white-beard God, and his reflection - Microprosop, or black-beard God. Here is the translation: "It is correct and not false, and absolutely correct (i.e. it is so convincing, that allows to check it by senses organs physically - the system of the Saint Thomas): the lower is similar to the upper and the upper is similar to the lower for completion of miracles of a single whole (or, even better, - for a penetration capability in the miracles of a single whole). The mystery words of Hermes Trismegist: "What there is beneath, is similar to what is above, and what there is above is similar to what is beneath, it is for the sake of unity fulfillment". But we shall yet return to the subject of the six-final star overturn.
(Reihel) (V.М.- it is a ceremonial facade of the idea) The tasks of Masonry were: "To erase between the people the differences of races, estates, beliefs, views, to exterminate fanaticism, superstition, to destroy national hatred, war, to unite the whole mankind by the ties of love and knowledge". But! It means, as we shall see below:... To delete the differences of beliefs, views, to exterminate fanaticism, and superstition means to exterminate Christianity...... To erase national hatred, - means to recognize the Jews with their purposes and means of achievement of the purposes...... To unite the whole mankind by ties of love and knowledge...- certainly means the uniting under the Jewish sign.
Let’s talk about purposes and means. As an example. (А. Steinsaltz): "Strictly speaking, a soul does not have qualities, which could be unconditionally related to "good" or "bad" ones, so that, for example, love would always personify kindness, and hatred would personify the evil. The reality is different: all of the human soul potential, all of his qualities and emotions are on the one moral level, they have no initially determined characteristics and they gain whether positive or negative coloring depending on circumstances, in which they are manifested. Thus, the goodness is not what goes off the frames of the conforming situation, and the evil is not everything, that exceeds its limits; and it does not matter towards what side the balance is upset- positive or negative. And for that reason it is impossible to establish a universal line of behavior for all situations; the correctness of the made decision can be evaluated only by consideration of certain circumstance concurrence which requires man’s reaction. Therefore it is impossible to establish the unified standard of behavior. One thing is evident: the universal solution of all problems does not exist. The concepts of "the exalted" and "the lowed down" are relative in relation to the Most High God".
And the evident disbelieve of the Jews in God’s word is expressed in it. Christ spoke: "Simply let your “Yes” be “Yes” and your “No”, “No” anything beyond this is from the evil one". But the Jews have not believed Him. Moses spoke: "you shall not give false testimony". But the Jews have liberally related to the meaning of his words, having accepted as a basis the behavior of "yes - no". David knew the basic foundations of God and he spoke: "I do not consort with hypocrites ..." For the Jews the hypocrisy is as an essential means of achievement the purpose. Solomon knew the basic foundations of God and he spoke: " The Lord detest men with pervert hearts..." As for the Jews, for the builders of the world temple crafty and deceitful hearts are the means to achieve the purposes.
(From the catechism of the Jews): "There are no immoral things, as long as they promote the assertion and prosperity of our nation. The purpose sanctifies the means ".
("The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion"): "Policy and moral are incompatible. National qualities - frankness and fairness are vices in policy. Cunning and hypocrisy ". So, we have here the temple according to Cain and the means of Cain.