Let’s discuss the actions of the Jews in the strategic aspect. As it was already said, the Jews after having scattered worldwide could not have material and technical bases, real power of weapons, moreover their numbers in relation to all the other nations of the world was just non-comparable. Plainly speaking, could not the Jews enter the struggle against all mankind with swords and spears. We have already spoke with the words of the apostle Paul: "What advantage, then, is in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? Much in every way! First of all they have been entrusted with the very words of God". And therefore, always and by all means the Jews could fight only at the level of the word. And they know well from the beginning, that the mind is controlled, and if the mind is controlled, then the environment is controlled also.
That is why, the primary activity of the Jews was directed to the creation and introduction to mankind the ideas of (antiword), which one being grafted to the people’s mind, would lock them up inside certain models of existence, and as a result it would lead them to degradation, corruption, impoverishment, enslavement, discontent, , enmity, anarchy and finally to the self-destruction. That is, the creation and introduction in mankind the ideas which are leading mankind to bringing down, to a vile condition at a level of the lowest carnality, instincts, passions, consumption, slave labor etc., as a result the Jews obtained a real possibility of reign over the nations. The ideas of democracy, economical ideas of Marx, the communism idea, the idea of revolutionary world transformation etc. were working well foe the Jews’ benefit.
The ideological sphere was first of all important for the Jews. And that’s why, the Jews mostly labored in theology, philosophy, law making, literature and poetry. "the judaic heresy" was implanted from century to century in all Christian religions. The Jews were successfully engaged with man-laying of Christianity, withdrawing people from faith to reason, successfully banking confessions to distorting the Gospel truth. "Planting religions" and the reorientation of on the side of Cabala was the main business of the Jews among all nations. The Jews were always making every effort to the legislative initiative, to creation of the laws which would pursue the narrow purposes of the Jewish hegemony and they were introducing those in all societies, they have also always struggled for amendments into the current legislation and constitutions. It has always been and is until this day the very first and "holy" work for the Jews among all nations. As Jewish lobism ("to act secretly, to intrigue, to be engaged in machinations, and also to exert influence and to treat(process) "), as a means for acceptance of the laws pursuing mercenary motive of the legislator, was always strong.
The Jews managed to exalt and introduce in mankind the purposes of the lowest physical existence: of science and arts (the epoch of Revival) and, accordingly, they managed to insert in the people’s minds the scientific material rethinking of the world, down to the return to paganism (pagan holidays and national traditions, demonstrations, carnivals, absurd idol serving), that has allowed to introduce atheism in mankind, owing to what the mankind was thrown off the faith in God and was actively led to degradation.
The Jews managed to return to mankind to Ellyn idea of democracy, they managed to create "a conventional unit of majority", and they have used it well for their purposes. That is, the creation of democracies and principles of power division have let the Jews fight against monarchies in a civilized way and to make their way to the thrones, and then again to delegate the legislative leadership to the presidents due to the "crisis of a parliamentarianism". The Jews have managed to divide the nations into aristocracy and plebes, on the masters and slaves and to oppose them against one another ("divide and rule"), owing to which the great amounts of people during rebellions and revolutions were destroying their monarchies and aristocracy, and the Jews were skillfully using it, they were coming to power over the nations.
The Jews have managed to create and to introduce in the peoples the idea of patriotism and superiority of one nation over the other, to fence the nations off each other by the sovereignties and borders and alternately to stir up the nations against one another by turns, to rouse wars. The wearisome wars of the nations were mutually weakening one another, and it served to strengthening of the Jews. And the achievement of "pre-Revolutionary conditions" by means of ideological, economical and political acts of sabotage, like making the nations overstressed, when the upper strata can not rule in the old way, and the lower strata can not live in the old way, - generally this kind of a situation has always been a panacea against all troubles for the Jews. They would also create overstressing and rights perfecting, to look as illusionary redemption. It was exactly due to it the peoples were resulted in rebellions and revolutions. We have reached "the pre-Revolutionary conditions" in the whole world in these days, when no national government can rule in the old way, and no nation can live in the old way and the formation of public world view on the new world order is a final stage in historical strife of the Jews for their autocracy over mankind, and for ascendance above the earth of the super king of Judaic blood. Al of this "is sanctified" by their "holy" purpose.
And all of this is the realization of the cabalistic laws of Tetragrammaton, as the Law of the Self-assertion of a Substance in Creativity, the Law of Transitional Kquaterner and other laws of Cabala, basing which, the Jews were historically transforming the nations into passive habitat in order to inseminate it by active origin. The idealized authority of the Jews over the world, being first interpreted and approved by both God's promises given to their fathers, and the knowledge of the objective universe laws through occultism, and further along the whole history being wisely realized by a practical strong-willed introduction of this theory in actual life, results the Jews nowadays in a magic authority over all mankind.
Making such statements, we have no slightest necessity to get sunk in this global subject. It is not assessable for the people and is not demonstrable at a human level. But it will be demonstrated to all mankind by the appearing on the earth of the Great Distress, Anti-Christ arising and revelation of the Great Lord's Judgment and the Second coming of Christ.