Let's try to uncover one of the laws of Cabala in order to understand the logic of the Jews’ action in their historical labor in the midst of all mankind. Here is a brief and very restricted formulation of the Law of Transmission Quaterner (V.Shmakov. "The Great Lassos of Taro"): "A Spirit (iod) is capable of generating a limitless number of potential differences, all of them are always positive, i.e. they are active; they are also real since they can produce energy equivalents. Milieu (hei) is also capable of revealing potential differences, but those are always of a negative nature, i.e. passive; they are imaginary, i.e. unable to produce equivalents. Thus, the spirit can generate out of itself a limitless number of powers and workers, but the milieu exposes just vacuums – that are spaces for manifestations of the spirit. These spaces or vacuums only accompany the conforming impulses of the spirit, but they cannot appear on their own, otherwise the milieu itself would be a substantive power. Following the manifestations of the active spirit immutably, it, on the one hand, carries out its manifestations, and on the other it carries out the principle of energy inertness, which is expressed by the traditional formula: "nature is afraid of vacuum".
Let's relatively call this law "the law of the water filling the voids of a rock". It is expressed in the Jewish alphabet by the letters "iod and hei". Spirit and flesh, husband and wife, God and space, the sun and the earth etc., are guessed in this law.
Let’s go into one more term of Cabala, – it is “envoltovanie”. Envoltovanie means forceful exploitation of astral and physical resources done by one person to another (or by one substantial power to another). It is nothing else but magical influence of one creature upon the other. Magic is studying and managing of astral, i.e. (spiritual) forces, which are revealed under certain circumstances.
Here is some information about magic. (D. Frezer "A golden branch" 1986): "Magic as a science is submitted to some unchangeable laws, whose manifistation can be precisely figured out and foreseen. Variability, inconstancy and contingency are cast out from natural processes. Both magic and science open perspectives which seem limitless for the one who knows the causes of things and can touch the secret causes which set the huge and complicated mechanism of nature in motion. Hence comes that attractiveness, which both of them had for human mind, and that powerful stimulant, which they have given to accumulation of knowledge. Through the desert of disappointments at present they beckon a tired explorer forward to the endless perfection in the future. Magic and science as though lift a person up to the top of a very high mountain, where behind dense clouds and mists comes a vision of a heavenly city, distant but shinning with unearthly magnificence, wallowing in the light of a dream".
Maspero: "We should not connect the word “magic” to this pejorative meaning, which inevitably pops up in any modern man’s mind. The ancient magic laid a foundation for religion itself. The believing people used to succeed in getting their gods’ favor by means of rituals, sacrifices, prayers and canticles. These are indeed magic actions”.
It goes without saying for both magic and science that the course of natural processes is neither determined by personal passions nor fads of supernatural creatures, but it is the work of unchangeable mechanical laws. Magic deals with spirits, and it makes it related to religion. But magic treats those spirits exactly the same way that it does it with inanimate powers, i.e. instead of propitiating and appeasing them like religion does, magic forces and compels them.
"The whole world is subordinate to gods, the gods are subordinated to sorcery, and sorcery is subordinate to Brahmans; therefore Brahmans are our gods".
“The magic, where it is met in its pure state, assumes that one natural event necessarily and invariably follows the other without interference of spirits. Both for science, and magic there is a strong belief in the order and uniformity of natural phenomena. A magician has no doubt that the same causes will always generate the same consequences, that making a required ritual accompanied by definite spells, will inevitably result in a desirable outcome. A magician doesn’t entreat the supreme power, he doesn’t search for favor of the changeable and willful supernatural creature, he does not abase himself before the awesome godhead. But his authority, however great he considers it to be, is not at all arbitrary and limitless authority. He disposes it only insomuch as he strictly follows the rules of his art or natural laws, according to his comprehension. If a magician lays a claim to the supreme authority over nature, then this authority is constitutional, restrained in its commissions.”
So it is possible to say, that magic is a scientific, i.e. precisely investigated and demonstrable influence of human will on a spiritual world in order to use for one’s purpose. And the truth for a magician is hypothesis which has been confirmed.
This goes to the same topic. (Pryamin-Morozov V.M "The Encyclopedia of occultism"): "The effect of envoltovanie (V.М.- by magic action) always deals with manifestations which are happening on the physical level or on the lowest sublevels of astral things. You can envoltate on love; envoltate on sickness or death; envoltate on ruin; envoltate on termination or weakening of useful activity and so on..." The words: "envoltate on ruin; envoltate on termination or weakening of useful activity and so on", - are evidently present today in many countries. Simply speaking, there is a possibility to bewitch not just a separate person, but the whole nation as well.
This goes to the same topic. (Pryamin-Morozov V.M "The Encyclopedia of occultism"): "There is one method of parrying the attacks (V.M.- foreign envoltovanies) on every level: "do not yawn", be active, be occupied, be concentrated on something. A man guarding his field will in passing notice both wood-stealer and poacher thanks to his own vigilance.”
"Do not yawn" mentally: pray!, especially for your enemies. The one who is praying for his enemies, does not make plans of revenge, that one will forget to assign those plans to others; the one who does not suspect others of spiteful intentions does not know fear; the one who does not know fear is difficult to envoltate on danger.
"Do not yawn" on astral level, be occupied with the definite forms chosen or generated by yourself, in order not to be foisted on the forms from the outside. Know what you want, in order not to be imposed on with confusing desires. Join a definite egregor corresponding to your world view in order not to be involved in a chain of other’s bad egregor.
"Do not yawn" physically. Train your body, so that its vital power would produce quality and quantity which are required for certain occupations; so that your organs develop mono functionally, due to that they will resist every kind of envoltovanie.
Remember once and for all, that the one who is idle and scattered is more than anyone else prone to envoltovanie, but the man who is ideological, who is a formal or actual worker is protected by the strong armor against extraneous attempts upon him. He is individualized, he is like a self-contained system, which is always Iod (active nature) for the outside world and plays a role of Hei (passive nature) only when he voluntarily accepts the supreme influx (the highest spiritual influence)..."
In other words, the Jews used the method of "repulsing" magic attacks from the outside in terms of themselves. But in terms of all mankind they were carrying out the following: they were bringing the medium of mankind to the possibility of "disconnecting" any system of a person or a group of people and changing them to be passive medium (hei) in order to inseminate it by their fissile beginning (iod). Especially because the motto of magic sounds so: " Press towards suppressing... spiritual manifestations (of people by means of confusion and complication of a system), to darken people’s understanding of the essence of creation and to enslave victims of obscurantism constructed in this way". That is, first of all, the Jews worked on changing people’s consciousness, people whom they were preparing to be their victims. Knowing well that "the dedicated ones are powerful due to the ability to utilize every foreign non-dedication for their own benefit", - that they were keeping for themselves as the greatest mystery the secret knowledge of the laws of Cabbala. They were in mysterious way exploiting resources of all people for their purposes. But to do so the Jews required to use a vast complex of effective measures to make the non-Jews (goyim) end up in a condition of passive medium, i.e. in ignorance, obscurantism and passivity.
This goes to the same idea and is taken from the same sources: "The task of recreation of man is divided in two areas: 1) the formation in yourself a reasonable - strong-willed man, 2) the correct re-education of the impulsive person, who acts in all areas basing on his reflexes, responding to the certain perceptions with banal human reactions, it is a man, who cries when it hurts, runs from danger, responds with strokes to strokes, smiles to flattery etc. The impulsive man should be educated in such a way that he would be a useful instrument of will in the hands of the conscious man. Some reflexes should be encouraged in him, some should be suppressed…” - this tells us that the task of the Jews was: 1) to form in themselves a conscious - strong-willed man, (iod) 2) to keep or to bring the whole medium of mankind to a condition of the impulsive man... (hei) – otherwise envoltovanie would be impossible. And in the cases where the Jews managed to do so, the objective laws of the universe hidden in magic and Cabbala would come into effect and the passive medium willingly surrendered everything to the Jews and searched for fertilizations from them. It is the law of water filling vacuums of a rock.
This goes to the same idea from the Masonic school: ("The Encyclopedia of occultism". Pryamin-Morozov V.M.): "If someone has intended to characterize Ordination into three Masonic symbolical degrees only from the point of view of training a man to influence others, he should have said: "The student degree reveals to us the necessity of being strong ourselves and for this purpose it teaches to fight our own weaknesses, doing away with them step-by-step; it is the degree which is dedicated to working out the activity of operator in a man. The comrade degree uncovers before us the weaknesses of others and teaches to exploit these weaknesses in the time when we have already become free from our own weaknesses; it is the account school of another's foolishness and passivity. The masters’ degree draws our attention to the art of planning only such operations, in which the nature of our activity and power is strictly proportioned to the nature of another's weakness and inertness. If we are strong intelligently and we have a reserve of knowledge, we will lead the ignoramuses where we want to, successfully applying our advantages; but, certainly, we shall refrain from challenging them to participate in the French wrestling in a circus, because physically they may appear stronger than us: if we manage well the technique of some combination, we shall enter the wrestling on the basis of this combination and evade from fighting on the basis of other positions, etc. These theses apply in the best way to an individual process of envoltovanie... "
In addition to this idea: "Preparation of the medium is more often determined by its ethical (less often by material) adversities, resulting it in the necessity of better perfection. The nations have epochs, when they become intolerable towards their own depravity or ignorance. Then they crave for religious renewal and willingly go towards the Teacher..." - this knowledge tells us that the task of the masons was: to lead the medium of mankind to ethical and material troubles (pre-Revolutionary condition) to make them voluntary accept the Teacher (Older Brother).
("The Protocols…") “Whether a State exhausts itself in its own convulsions, whether its internal discord brings it under the power of external foes—in any case it can be accounted irretrievably lost: it is in our power.”
And in all of it in all mankind is seen the cabbalistic law of Transmissional Quaterner in combination with many other laws of Cabbala.