Let’s return to the core of the world Masonry. We have already said, that the Masonry mostly is an organization which is occupied with the practical implementation of all theoretical ideas of the Jews on the earth among all mankind. That is, the masons are direct realizers of the Jewish world rule plans. To follow up this idea we shall put the following text, where the universal width of synthetic attitude of the Jews to life is deciphered.
(From the book "The Encyclopedia of occultism", Pryamin-Morozov V.M): "But who of the three should we join to? Should we become spiritualists (spirit), pantheists (soul) or materialists (flesh)? Gentlemen, follow the example of Egyptian schools. Bow down before Hermes Trismegist, i.e. before the orderly synthesis of three philosophical trends. Be materialists in the time, when you make a start from the strong bottom named physical level; it is a reliable fulcrum for operating magically in the time, when it wants to make facts bear the facts. Imbue your mind with pantheism in the time, when you need to make forms bear the forms; in the time when your personality declares itself on the rights of a pentagram, when you realize yourself not as slaves of the nature, but as free gods. But as soon as you feel, that the personality becomes silent before interests of something more general, declaring about itself by unity, as soon as you notice in yourselves a scorn and love for ideas, dare to make yourself spiritualists: then you’ll find yourself in the kingdom of the Father, in the kingdom of Iod".
This also means, that for the Jews the transformation of the physical world, as of a "strong fulcrum" according to the supreme Divine promises is indispensable condition of their faithfulness to "the orderly synthesis of three philosophical trends of Hermes Trismegist". (Pryamin-Morozov V.M.: "The Encyclopedia of occultism"): It is natural for the spirit to be manifested by a principle of energy creating forms, and these forms in their turn should be manifested in the material, physical world". It is not like this according to Abraham and Mosses. The patriarchs of the Jews admitted that they were "aliens and strangers on earth", like those who did not have opportunity to receive promises on the land. "For God has prepared a city for them" (in heaven). And on the earth they could have "no inheritance, not even a foot of ground". It was not given to them by God to have fatherland on the earth, that is why they longed for the only one, i.e. for the heavenly home. The patriarchs of the Jews could not be the masons who seek building their fatherland on the earth.
The masons reason differently: "But what does it mean in its most broad sense to introduce metaphysics in life? It means to transfer the ripened things into the forms, and by analogy - the ripened forms to conduct into the level of realities. The person who aims to deserve a title of a "fair one", has no right having built his worldview in general, not to transfer it into the orderly philosophical system. Abstaining from it, he will cause something which in the direct language could be called "a painful tension of ideas". And in the same way, it would be a shame, having made a plan of a grandiose, well adapted building or a gear, make no attempt for its realization". Therefore, the masonic idea of a temple born by Adoniram in the old times, must have been realized in life for them.
So, we discover the actions of the masons in the lowest physical level of life in "the law of water filling up vacuums of a rock" (the law of Trasmissional Quaterner), when they with the help of a huge complex of magic and physical measures historically have been leading mankind in passivity and further, influencing it by all their arsenal of the mysterious means, and "have assimilated it into their organism".
And there is more. (From the book "The Encyclopedia of occultism". Pryamin-Morozov V.M..): "Here is the first recipe for you: by the powerful desire, by the mood of true I Homme de desir, by the warm prayer magnetize the world medium, and you will attract to yourself the elements which are individualized by it, and which are capable of promoting your ordination. Those of them, who are higher than you, will become your promoters, and the lowest ones will be accessible to your vampirism; you so to say, will live on them, assimilate them in your organism". These are very strong words which reveal both the deceitful craftiness "of the beast", and his "warmth and love " for his victims.
And here is more about it. (Pryamin-Morozov V.M., "The Encyclopedia of occultism"): "The essence of unity and the secrets of hierarchy in combination are a stairway of ascension to the fruitful truth. Following this principle you will acquire the glory of the whole world, and every kind of darkness will leave you". The great secret knowledge which is unapproachable to the ordinary people’s minds is hidden in these brief words. How can you extract the essence from the idea of unity? By what means is the essence of unity reached? How can you be joined into the mysterious heavenly hierarchy? How can you combine in yourself the essence of unity and the secrets of hierarchy, as a result of which you will step on "a stairway of ascension to the fruitful truth", and "you will acquire the glory of the whole world and every kind of darkness will leave you"? Oh, if only the Christians could answer these questions! But the Jews know the answers to them. And it tells us that the goal of the masons was: to lead both all mankind, and the Christianity to separations and divisions, the ancient word of the devil has been realized in it: "Divide and rule". And also – to lead to destruction of hierarchy secrets in the mind of all the people, which would naturally result the slaves in disobedience to their masters, in rebellion of the nations against their governments, this is what all riots and revolutions were based on.
It appears from all that has been said on this subject, that educating themselves in consciousness and spirituality, the Jews were reaching activity and power. On the basis of the detailed knowledge of the occult laws and skilful implementation them in life and, being connected up by their actions to the forces of the angels and displacing mankind to passivity, they were deposing it.
This is only a brief review of one law of Cabbala - the Law of Transmissional Quaterner. But there are hundreds and hundreds of laws like this in Cabbala…...