So, we are trying to very briefly examine one of the laws of Cabbala and to apply it to the historical policy of Israel, who has been working against mankind, basing this law. We have said, that there are a lot of laws in occultism, being grounded on which the initiated apologists of Cabbala and those of the Masonry have the authority over the uninitiated ones. It is expressed by the fact that throughout the centuries the Jews have been taking the authority over the whole mankind. But since we are not convinced, that we can make the given subject clear to the mind of non-believers, we won’t get into more details about all of what the masons were historically executing among mankind. ( This is impossible because of voluminous material and our incompetence). We attempt only to superficially and briefly make a sketch of our sensations concerning the mentioned problem.
In order for our theses and declarations to be more evident, we shall speak further, basing on a certain document, which is known to the world as "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion". Here are some introduction words about this document:
This document was signed by the Supreme High priest of the World-wide Freemasonry and ten elders of the board of the Honored Masons in August 15, 1871. "The Protocols... " are none other than the strategic plan of the world conquest under a footstep of the theomachest of Israel. It has been developed by the leaders of the Jewish people during many centuries of their dissipation and reported to the council by Theodore Herzl (according to other sources his name was A. Hintzberg). "The Protocols" for the first time appeared in Russia in 1908 and got in hands of the orthodox priest S. Nilus. Having read them, Nilus became horror-struck by realization of close ascension of the antichrist. So, he hurried up to show this document to the two senators at the Tzar. One of them, having acquainted with the document, said: "This can not be". And the other one said: "It is too late". Then S. Nilus wrote the book "The Great in the small", where he had also included “The Protocols”... It was the first promulgation in Russia of a secret masonic-jewish conspiracy against Christen world. The remarkable thing was that the published book disappeared from counters without leaving a trace within two weeks. And throughout the whole history of USSR those reading this book were severely persecuted. Now it is sold everywhere openly. And it only demonstrates, how near are the Jews to the completion of their plans, and that they face no opposition.
So speaks Nilus himself about this book: "I can, perhaps, be reproached, - and it is fair, that the presented document is apocryphal. But if it was possible to prove its origin legally, to find out the people heading the world-wide conspiracy and who are holding its bloody threads in their hands, then “the mystery of lawlessness” itself would be broken, but it should remain indestructible until it is implemented in "the son of perdition". Isn’t there enough evidence of the authenticity of “The Protocols of Zion” for the thoughtful Christian observer around him, and in those domestic and world events, the change of which in a vortex of all kinds of lawlessness is committed in front of his eyes? It is sufficient for me, if I, by God's mercy, have reached the most important for me purpose of warning my Christian brothers about the near forthcoming fatal danger and have not stirred up in anyone's heart the enmity towards the Jewish people, who are blinded up for a time".
And we liken ourselves to S. Nilus, because we, in the same way, are trying to warn Christians living in the last times about coming danger for the whole Church of Jesus Christ. And just as S. Nilus we do not aim at stirring up enmity towards the Jewish people in anyone's heart, who are blinded up for a time. But we will continue to talk about their insidious intentions concerning both mankind and Christianity.
Let’s recall what we’ve said, as Pryamin-Morozov writes in his book "The Encyclopedia of occultism": "Remember once and for all, that the one who is idle and scattered is more than anyone else subject to envoltovanie, but the man who is ideological, formal or actual worker is protected by the strong armor against extraneous attempts. He is individualized, he is like a closed system, which is always Iod (fissile beginning) for the outside world and plays a role of Hei (passive beginning) only when it voluntarily accepts the supreme influx (the highest spiritual influence)..."
This knowledge tells us that the task of the masons was: to "break" any system of a person or a group of people and to change them to be passive medium (hei) in order to inseminate it by their fissile beginning (iod), and the best way to achieve it is through the change of consciousness.
"The Protocols...": "Knowing by the experience, that people live and are guided by ideas, that these ideas are imbibed only through education, provided with equal success for all ages, we shall swallow up and confiscate to our own use the last flashes of independent thought… The system of a thought bridling is already at work... The instrument of thought will become a disciplining means in the hands of our government... "
Passivity and weakening are reached through hopelessness and overstress.
"The Protocols...": "It is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust everybody with dissension, hatred, struggle, starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the goyim see no other choice than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else. But if we give the nations of the world a breathing space, the moment we long for will hardly likely ever come.”
And further, with the precise analysis we could have seen, how powerfully and wisely the Jews have been dividing all the nations into plebes and aristocracy and were causing a clash between these two forces, destroying both peoples and empires. And creating the states of "closed societies" (China, Korea, USSR etc.), they have been realizing their world-wide policy. We would see, that genocide and "gulags", riots and revolutions, wars and economical crisis, - all of this is directly or indirectly were implemented by the Jews.
"The Protocols...": "The nations, in regard to the secrets of our policy are always only children under age, precisely as are also their governments.". And it is so indeed, since who of the nations has the superior knowledge of the Jewish basic principles of Cabbala, magic and other sources. Aren’t the words of the serpent "you will be like gods knowing...?" addressed to the Jews, are they?
We boldly state, that the Jews have been implanting in mankind throughout the centuries "the syndrome of a victim", making every effort to bring a spirit of the world-wide inquisition into the nations.
"The Protocols...": "We’ll make arenas of states, where discords are being played. A little bit longer, and disorders and bankruptcy will be universal."
"The Protocols...": "It is from us that the all-engulfing terror proceeds. All the states are in torture; they are calling for comfort, they are ready to sacrifice everything for peace: but we will not give them peace until they acknowledge our international Super-Government, openly and with humbleness.” - here is for you a pre-Revolutionary condition:… the upper strata can not rule in the old way, and the lower strata can not live in the old way…
So, what about the spirit of the world-wide inquisition in the realized idea of dictatorship of one class over the other and re-education of people "by certain methods".
As an example: (Mao Dz. Dun) "The dictatorship, which is directed against reactionary classes, does not at all means a full extermination of all representatives of the reactionary classes. They should be re-educated with the help of certain methods, so that they become new people..."
In the same way, the third canon of the 4-th Lateran Cathedral (the 13 –th century) stated: "As for those who will disobey the orders of the church and will continue communication with heretics, they must be excluded until corrected". The separation from the church was accompanied by property confiscation, disfranchisement etc., i.e. with the help "of certain methods". So it is nowadays: the nations are educated “until corrected”…sometimes in the mode of communist relations, sometimes in the mode of market relations...
Here is another example. (Thomas Akvinski 1225-1274 – the glorified theologian of the Catholicism): "In order to keep tyranny, it is necessary to destroy the most powerful and rich people, because such people can rebel against the tyrant thanks to their authority. It is also necessary to get rid of the aware and research people, because due to their knowledge they can find means to ruin tyranny. We mustn’t even put up with schools, neither other assemblages, through which it is possible to study sciences... In order to keep tyranny, the tyrants should arrange it so that their citizens would accuse one another of crimes and organize domestic discords, so that friend would pursue friend and there are contentions between the rich. It is also necessary to make citizens poor so that they become too weak for rebellion against the tyrants... To preserve tyranny the tyrant should have some kind of virtue and if he doesn’t have any, he should pretend to have one…"
The way this guy teaches can only teach a theologian of the masons’ intelligence, working at realization of the antichrist accession plans.
Well, we attempt to illustrate, how the Jews have been implanting in mankind throughout the centuries "the syndrome of a victim", using all of their efforts to inject in the nations the spirit of the world-wide inquisition.
G. Lee "The history of inquisition": "The device of inquisition was as simple, as it was expedient in achieving the purpose. It did not aim to strike the minds by outer luster, it paralyzed them by terror... Man had no more minute of rest, thinking that the word spoken by him in passing by could be handed to inquisition at any time by his close people and by his most dear friends; being influenced by this thought he yielded to the feeling of fear and betrayed others because of the fear to be betrayed..."
E. Galeano, Uruguay 1978 y.: "...The one who is against the system of the country, is the enemy of the country. The one who exposes injustice betrays his motherland. Country is myself, - the system says... It is dangerous to be alive; to think is a crime... The dictatorship is a habit to baseness; it is the state machinery, which makes you deaf and dumb relating to everything, which is forbidden to look at... The system teaches to put up with horror, just like winter teaches to put up with chills... Censorship triumphs when each citizen becomes a censor of his own words and deeds... Customs checks are organized for words. We are imposed a foreign memory on to make us humbly live not by our own life. The repainted reality is the history interpreted by the winners... How the one who does not know where he’s coming from, will understand where he is heading to...
It has always been that way. That means that always and first of all every man has suffered massive attack from alien and killing to him ideas resulting him in fear, passivity and enslavement. And predominantly it was done in all mankind only by the Jews.
"The Protocols...: "The instrument of thought will become an educative means in the hands of our government, which will no longer allow the mass of the nation to be led astray in by-ways and fantasies about the blessings of progress."
"The Protocols...:" "We shall continue to direct their minds (goyim’s) to all sorts of vain conceptions of fantastic theories, new and supposedly progressive: for have we not with complete success turned the brainless heads of the goyim with progress, till there is no one mind among the goyim able to perceive that under this work lies a distraction from the truth in all cases where it is not a question of material inventions, for the truth is one, and it has no place for progress. Progress, like a false idea, serves to obscure the truth so that no one may know it except for us, the Chosen of God, its guardians. Who will ever suspect then that all these problems were stage-managed by us according to the political plan which no one has ever guessed in the course of many centuries".
Let’s recollect the thesis: "If the consciousness is controlled, medium is controlled also...", that is why, the control over the thoughts, and also persecution not for the actions, but for the views (personally gained by faith) are inevitable for man. The main historical work of the Jews has been in this field. Let's remember the motto of the black magic: "Aspire with the help of confusion and complication the system to suppress... spiritual manifestations (of people), to darken people’s understanding of the essence of creation and to enslave victims of obscurantism constructed in this way", - that is why, every man born into this world is led until exhausted by unknown forces from delusion to delusion, being plunged into new and new senseless principles and models of existence. And the main historical work of the Jews has been in this field.
Let's remember the words of Pryamin – Morozov from the book “The Encyclopedia of occultism”: "Preparation of the medium is more often determined by its ethical (less often by material) adversities, resulting it in the necessity of better perfection. The nations have epochs, when they become intolerable towards their own depravity or ignorance. Then they crave for religious renewal and willingly go to the Teacher..." - this knowledge tells us that the task of the masons was: to lead the medium of mankind to ethical and material troubles (pre-Revolutionary condition) to make them voluntary accept the Teacher (Older Brother).
"The Protocols...": "If this world grows agitated, it will mean that we have had to stir it up. But if there should arise a plot in its midst, then none other than one of our most trusted servants will be placed at the head of that plot".
"The Protocols...": " If already now we have managed to take possession of the minds of the goy communities to such an extent that they all come near looking upon the world events through the colored glasses of those spectacles we are setting astride their noses: if already now there is no a single State having snaps which could block to us an access to the so called governmental secrets: what will our position be then, when we shall be acknowledged the invoked lords of the world on behalf of our world-wide king?.... "
"The Protocols...": "Our Super government is extra legal..."
"The Protocols...": "The world-wide union of Zion has already began now to throw its mask off; in its own opinion, it has already reached the position of super government imperceptibly moving all offices of the world."
It has already been declared more than hundred years ago. What more the Jews have to say nowadays?
Let’s briefly set forth the content of the Catechizes of the Jews living in Russia (1958).
"The Jews! Love one another, help one another. Help one another, even if you hate each other. Our power is in unity, it is the pledge of our success, salvation and prosperity. Many nations have perished in dissipation, because they did not have a legible program of actions and a feeling of fellowship. Unlike them we due to the sense of collectivism, have gone throughout centuries and peoples, have preserved, multiplied and got stronger.
Unity is the purpose, it is also the means of reaching the purpose. This is the meaning, this is what is necessary to aim at. Everything else is derivative, it will come naturally.
Our nationalism is international and that’s why it is eternal. The doors into it are opened for the Jews of all nationalities, all confessions, all parties. The true internationalist is only the one who by vital bonds is connected to Jewry, all the rest is profanation and deception. Form your national personnel, personnel is our tomorrow. Every lab, every sub-faculty, every institute must become a forge of our national personnel.
Prepare the Jewish youth to accept the relay race of generations. Make every generation of non-Jews encounter our steep echelon defense. Each time, when the older generation leaves the scene, there should stand forth even more powerful, beforehand prepared and strong cohort of young Jews. We must pass to our children more, than we have received from the fathers, and they, having kept and multiplied the received, will pass it in their turn to the descendants. Our power, our stability, and our immortality lies in succession of generations.
The world is cruel, there is no place for philanthropy in it. Each nation is the blacksmith of its own happiness. It is not our business to care of Russian national personnel. Create your own collectives and use them to knock the non-Jews’ heads together and push them off. We create collectives so that the goyim do not disturb our living. Let them try to create their collectives, they will hardly possibly make it, they’ll quarrel sooner than manage to accomplish anything, and we shall help them in it.
Russians are not capable of deep thinking, analyzing and making deep conclusions. They understand all the occurrences too superficially, too concretely. They do not see the facts in their sequence, in their connections. They are not capable of summarizing and abstracting. Every event is just an event for them, no matter how often it happens. Things that they know and can do, we know and can do also. Everything, that we know and feel, is not given for them to know and to feel. Everything they have is their limit. Everything we have is the means for achieving more. Everything, that they have available today is ours in their temporary use. To take from them what we were promised by God is our task.
Russians are stubborn, but they do not have sufficient persistence in reaching the purpose. They are lazy, therefore they always hurry. All problems they try to solve at one go. They sacrifice the small for the sake of a greater decisive victory. But such victory whether never comes at all, or having conquered they appear to be back where they started. We confess the tactics of small victories, though we are not against the big ones. Small victory is also a victory.
Russians can neither supervise, nor be submissive, they are genetic saboteurs. Russians are envious, they abhor their colleagues, when the last ones are put forward out of the gray mass.. Give them the opportunity to tear apart those forwarders. When two are fighting, the Jew benefits. Set Russians against each other, excite and stir up in them envy towards each other. Russians do not know how to live and do not know how to set up tasks. We set ephemeral tasks before them, and they are trying to solve them. There are no immoral things, as long as they promote the confirmation and prosperity of our nation. The purpose sanctifies the means.
Russians are limited in their capabilities and that is why they put limits to everything. We say: "Capabilities and advantages of the Jews are boundless, since they behave depending on circumstances." Always remember the limits, which the goyim set up. Their intellect has hardened inside these limits. They are not capable of coming out of them. Speak and act in the way which their moral does not allow. Do what seems impossible, unreal to them. They will not believe that you are capable of words and acts, which they are not capable of.
Speak and act in confident, pushing, aggressive, discouraging way. Make more of noise and verbal tinsel, more of unclear and pseudo-scientific things. Create theories, hypothesis, trends, schools, methods both real and unreal, the more extravagant they are, the better! May you not be confused that nobody needs them, that tomorrow they’ll be forsaken. When the new day comes, new ideas will come. The power of our spirit, our self-assertion, our superiority is expressed in it. Let the goyim pay our bills. Let them rack their brains searching rational cores in our ideas, let them search and find what is not there. Tomorrow we’ll give new food for their primitive brains. Refract all the events through a prism of our interests, each event should be necessarily examined from the point of view of harm or benefit, which it brings to the Jews.
God conferred on us to possess the world - so we possess it. Our task is to keep the world in our hands.
Pay special attention to some stubborn goyim, who don’t want to bend heads before our superiority, who don’t want to work for us and resist our practice and policy. Unmask them, discredit them on various pretexts, on every occasion, take up arms against them with every available means. As long as they are lonely, they can’t stand up against our collectivism. Spread rumors against them, create doubtful reputation to them. Eventually, even those who know them well, who have good opinion of them and support them will become afraid of them. Deprive them of their connections and contacts, deprive them of capabilities to work effectively, make them question the expediency of their work, isolate them, and when they protest accuse them of defiance. Appeal to sociability, administration, drag them to partcom (party committee), militia, if it is possible - to the court! If you are older, accuse them of violating the respect to the aged people, if you are of their age accuse them of violating the principles of brotherhood. The efficiency of these methods is tested by many generations. The main thing is to accuse, let them justify themselves. If there is an opportunity, introduce a political platform under their behavior. Instigate them to rebel against state authority, and then unmask and destroy them with the help of this state authority...
Make everyone be dependant on you, those of the goyim who want to go their own way are potentially dangerous and should be dispossessed of support and means of subsistence. It is either our order, or the complete disorganization! In the place where they want to do without us, there should be chaos! Do it so that the disorder goes on until the exhausted goyim, having become despaired, ask us to take the authority in our hands and to guarantee them a peaceful life. The goyim should work under our rule and bring us benefit. The one who does not bring benefit, must be cast out. There is no public benefit outside our interests! The one who is not with us, is against us. Eye for eye! Tooth for tooth! It was the way Moses taught, it was the way our ancestors lived. It is the way we shall live. To eat up is a sacred feeling. It brings the character up, it builds up a man. Uproot from yourself the feeling of submissiveness and humbleness in relation to your offenders. Leave the slogans of Christian mercy, humbleness, humiliation and self-denial to the silly goyim – it is the very thing they deserve.
Preach and plant among the goyim Christian virtues, while you in your soul remain irreconcilable and firm. Be irreconcilable in relation to our enemies. Do not get used to offences and discourage others from making offences to you. Let the goyim coax one another in cautiousness, moderation and flexibility in relation to you. Let them carefully restrain our onslaught. We should act resolutely and fast, always presenting them with the accomplished fact. Let them afterwards conduct long, fruitless discussions against our methods, they do not have weapon... From time to time we gather in the land of our ancestors to strengthen our spirit, our characters, our faith in unity. We gather together in order to disperse. And so it will be forever!"
Here is some information from the history (taken from the letter of Constatinople Jews to the Spanish Jews): "Dear brothers in the law of Moses! We have received your letter, where you inform us of torments and sorrow, that you are going through and which make us also suffer, just as you do. The opinion of the great satraps and rabbis is such in terms of what you say, that the king of Spain forces you to become the peasants, - you should become those, for you can not act differently. Concerning what you say, that you are forced to abandon your property, - make your sons merchants, in order to take away from them (Spaniards) their property little by little.
Regarding what you say, that they take away your life, - make your sons doctors, druggists and you will take away their life from them. In terms of what you say, that they destroy your synagogues, - make your children priests, theologians, and you will destroy their churches. Concerning the fact that they cause you other afflictions, - seek for your sons to become attorneys, public prosecutors, notaries and counselors, be always engaged in state affairs so that you win this country over while degrading them, and you will manage to avenge yourselves. And do not upset the advice, which we are giving you, so that you can see from your own experience, how you will turn from the scorned ones, to be the people who are taken into consideration.
It had been so, but already more than hundred years ago these words were spoken: "The Protocols...": "Our super government is extra legal..."; "The Protocols...": "The world-wide union of Zion has already began now to throw its mask off; in its own opinion, it has already reached the position of super government imperceptibly directing all offices of the world".