But let us get closer to the problems of the church of Jesus Christ, since in the long run for us, who are believers, it is much more important to see the development of this theme among God’s people, so that the remnant of the believers in Christ could see the strength and power of the world masonry, could also see the strength and power of “Lucifer, who’s transforming himself into an angel of light” and his scheme in God’s church, in order to withstand him and not to be sealed by his number 666. It is of use to see there is a great providence of the fallen covering cherub and his seed in Cain and Adoniram in the idea of the ecumenical temple under the head of Judaic super czar, and this providence is expressed as following: “Revenge on God and His people.” In other words, we have a need and chance to at least half-open the political activity of Israel, expressed in such words: “The global policy of Israel in terms of Christianity is the policy of “Grecian horse”.
We’ve already said that the problem of worshiping God has been the most vital for both every historical gentile and Jew at all times, and for every historical Christian hitherto. Let us remind ourselves that all struggles both inside the Jewish nation and in all world religions have always been for 1) the way of knowing God (occultism, which means to understand God “by the things that are made” or direct knowledge of God in the Holy Spirit); 2) the form of standing before God (idol’s temple or sanctuary); 3) the language of communication with God (symbolism or faith and keeping the Lord’s commandments); 4) spiritual milieu and spiritual demonstrations(magic or holy ministering in God’s Spirit).
Let’s recall the formula of falling away of a man from God. Every falling away starts with unbelief, that means it starts with the lack of such faith that would be pleasing to God first of all, and as a result of which a man could receive from Him righteousness, blessing, leading of the Holy Spirit, protection, enlightenment and so on. After unbelief consequently happens reorientation towards another voice, i.e. there shows up somebody, who picks up the unbelieving man and subdues him. Besides, unbelief keeps a man under the law of the letter, which kills, as well as in sinfulness, under judgment, enslavement and so on. Hence comes life according to the flesh, clinging to the world and its weak and beggarly elements, but also striving for knowing God and the universe whether by means of mediators or through the scientific study of material nature, which is nothing else but occultism. Finally, as a crown of falling away, a man receives certain spirituality from the one, who subdued him, by means of broad interpretation of God’s law and His word.
The apostle Paul says: “They (gentiles) exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator”. And it may seem that Christians have nothing to do with this. But it is not so. Just as it was with Adam and Eve, when they were told by God: “Do not eat…”, but the devil’s words were: “Has God indeed said..?…No, you will not surely die.., but your eyes will be opened…”; just as the Old Testament Jews were told by God: “If you worship…the host of heaven…you will die”, but the devil: “No, you will not surely die”, so is with Christians today. The words of Christ: “You worship what you do not know…” are equally relevant to both gentile world and the Jews, as well as to the Christians. It means that the question of worshiping God has always been of vital importance to every Christian till present day. “Other saviors” are inculcated in Christianity. There is a questions: are the Christians really “cheated through philosophy and empty deceit”? Do they really “make for themselves image” in order to worship it? Do they really worship “the host of heaven”? We declare, that the sanctuary of the church is being replaced by idol’s temple, and the ministering in the Holy Spirit is being substituted for magic. Likewise the language of communication with God becomes occult. Likewise the way of knowing God appears to be indirect, i.e. through “other saviors”. But who are they? And what’s the reason for Christians in worshiping “other saviors”, in “worshiping the creature, rather than the Creator”?
Just as it happened to the elite Judaism long before the coming of Christ, when it “swayed” towards the elite heathenism, i.e. “took the road to Egypt and began to drink the waters of Sihor”, i.e. it stood up on the road of knowing God, which was given away by God to gentiles, so it has happened after Christ, when the believers in Him “swayed” at all four items towards the Judaic god’s worship, i.e. “Judaic heresy”. Our goal is to slightly open “the mystery of lawlessness” inside the historical Christianity and to expose “the saviors” of it – the Jews and their basic foundation Cabala, inculcated in Christianity. We shall see how masons historically entered Christianity. We’ll try to disclose and expound the cabalistic principle of “implanting religions”.
Let us get back to the “Grecian horse”. One of the most effective and historically adjusted ways of combating is entering the enemy’s middle front ( pig’s snout”) for the sake of dividing it, breaking it up and conquering. In the book of Nehemiah it is told about the intentions of the gentiles, who were trying to destroy the work on building the walls of Jerusalim and the temple by the Jews. “And our adversaries said, "They will neither know nor see anything, till we come into their midst and kill them and cause the work to cease." In the book of Ezra it is also said: “Now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the descendants of the captivity were building the temple of the Lord…they came to Zerubbabel and the heads of the fathers' houses, and said to them, "Let us build with you…But Zerubbabel said to them, "You may do nothing with us to build a house for our God…Then the people of the land tried to discourage the people of Judah. They troubled them in building…”. Hostile gentile nations tried to stop the building the Lord’s temple using three ways. The first one was to draw the Jews into unlawful alliance with gentiles. The second one was to retard the construction material and other supplies. The third one was reports to the kings for the sake of quitting the construction. Yet the first way was the most crafty and dangerous.
So acted Israel, skillfully wielding this tactics, it used to enter the middle of all the world societies and religions, including Christian. By getting chairs, holding high posts in all the world secular and theological centers and through imposing its cabalistic principles everywhere and on everybody in theology, political and economic spheres, Israel used to obtain every triumph in the matter of deposing of all societies, including Christian ones. The mechanism of opposition, opened to gentiles in their fight against Israel, has been successfully mastered by present-day Israel when fighting against Christianity. “Let us build with you the church of Christ”, - say the Jews to the Christians. Yet historically they have been building a synagogue instead of a church, in which the upturned six-final star become more and more apparent through the ages.
We’ve mentioned that the scattering of the Jews around the whole world after the crucifixion of Christ became the sign for them from their “Judaic god”, that the time had come for realization of their worldwide domination, i.e. for building ecumenical temple on the face of the whole earth, according to the conception, that they obtained after the crucifixion of Christ. So they proceeded to it after their scattering. We’ve told that the alignment of forces in the beginning of this road was not at the Jews’ side – the gentile tribes and the established Orthodox-catholic religion were significantly mightier than the Jews, who had been dispersed all over the world. But the Jews had faith in their heritage and superiority in knowledge of occult wisdom of the whole world. They also knew the exact laws of the universe and leaning on them they bravely set about the world reconstruction. Having started with a word instrument and boldly taking roots in all aristocracies and religious centers of the world, they have been gaining strength and conquering mankind throughout the ages.
Like this, the Jews were creating academic societies at court of Charles the Great, the so called “Charlemagne Renaissance”. “Academy”, as a scientific and materialistic re-understanding of the world, referred to as “enlightenment”, took its start from there. This way they used to enter all religions and over the centuries they have been leavening them to become Torah-like. And despite the fact that the historic church had stubbornly struggled against this false teaching as “ Judaic heresy”, the Jews remained unconquerable. So using this tactics, the Jews have been changing the mind of nations through the ages, leading them to exceptionally materialistic, i.e. scientific, i.e. occult worldview. ( Boethius, monastery of Kassiodor, heresy of Abelard and others like them.)
The extract from the book of Karamzin N.M. “The history of the Russian state” may serve as an example: “A jewman Skharia arrived in Novgorod in 1470 together with the prince Mikhail Olelkovich and seduced two priests, Dionisiy and Alexiy, he made them believe that the law of Moses was the only God’s, that the story of the Savior had been made up, that Christ had not been born yet. So the jewish heresy appeared. However, it is difficult to understand, that Skharia could multiply the number of his disciples so much, if his wisdom contained the rejection of Christ and worshiping the Judaism only.
Skharia seduced Russians with Judaic cabala, which was a captivating and intriguing science for ignoramuses. Cabalists boasted of ancient legends, as if those had come to them from Moses; many of them assured that they’d had a book received from God by Adam and the main source of Solomon’s wisdom; that they know of all nature’s secrets, can interpret dreams, predict the future, command spirits; that using this science Moses triumphed over Egyptian sorceries, Elijah commended the heavenly fire, Daniel closed the lions’ jaws; that the Old Testament was full of cunning parables, which can be explained trough cabala. Inwardly rejecting the sacred object of Christianity, the heretics observed the outward propriety, looked like the humble fast keepers, zealous in fulfilling their obligations of godliness”.
So acted the Jews throughout the whole world.
It is demonstrated the best by the worldview of Bacon (13th cent.): “Spiritual things can be known through corporeal consequences and the Creator – through the creation”. However, we’ve already demonstrated a great deal on the basis of God’s word, that this very way of knowledge was forbidden by God. In his political program, Bacon subjected the condition of the church of his time to sharp criticism, its deviation from original Christianity, corruption, riches and so on. “Such phenomena, - wrote Bacon, - testify of the crisis of Christian society and near forthcoming of antichrist. In the future state (according to Bacon), must unite all nations, which will accept the only true Christian faith (V.M.: to say it straighter – judaic faith); there would come the end for religious discords, as well as for the wars, and there would reign peace and order. But it will only happen provided that sciences rule in this state. The structure of the society itself must be submitted to fulfilling of the given program. The first class of this state will become the class of priests, spiritual leaders of the society. Then follow the military defenders of the society, and in the bottom of a social pyramid, as it is should be, will stand farmers and craftspeople. The priests will be allotted the functions of scientists, connoisseurs of all sciences. (V.M.: one may assume occult sciences).
The Pope, (V.M.: one may assume, that he is related only to Cabala) as the most enlightened and educated, will unite in his person both spiritual and temporal powers. Heading the Christian monarchy, he will concurrently be at the head of the whole mankind”. In our opinion, the worldview of Bacon project the ideal plan of antichrist enthronement above all humanity. But it has no direct relation neither the Pope, nor Vatican. It has relation to the super-king if Judaic blood. Just as Bacon has no relation to the church of God.
“The Protocols…”: “The King of the Jews will be the real Pope of the universe, the patriarch of an international church”.
And even from the first centuries of Christianity, from the first days of apostolic church “false brothers” entered the church and brought heresy. So it is written in “Acts…”: “But some of the sect of the Pharisees who believed rose up, saying, "It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses." And the Apostles stood actively and timely against that. But after the Apostles’ departure and on, the stream of pharisaic heresy was no longer retainable.
Here is one more example of that idea. Christians fondly assume that they are leading and successful missionaries to all nations in preaching of Evangelical word throughout the whole world. This fact can be refuted by many real proofs. One of the proofs is that the jews had been scattered along the world much earlier than Christians were. And they brought the inhabitants their own knowledge of God. Every place where missionaries had appeared, they encountered powerful ideological communities and self-governments (kahals), established by the Jews. Thus, in the orthodox book “Hagiography”, it is said that when the first enlighteners Kirill and Mephodiy had come to Russia, they met jewish kahals and took parts in hard disputes about Christ and Moses, Evangelical news and the law. Yet Kirill and Mephodiy had gone, but the Jews remained and newly appeared orthodox religion in Russia has been mostly an “inculcated religion” from the beginning, based on the principles of Cabala. Exactly this way, from of old until our day, all religions of the earth contain in themselves more or less ideological color of Cabala.
Here is more to this topic. (V. Shmakov, “The great Lassos of Taro”): “The first centuries of Christianity were full of Gnostic schools. Many writing of great heretics are supreme monuments of the Eastern wisdom. The ideas of Simon Mag, Valentine and Vasilid, expressed in assembly of gnostic creations, served as a link between Cabala of the Middle age and ancient germetism. A characteristic feature of gnostic teachings is a striving for esoterism, i.e. strict separation of a pure science, destined for the chosen, from elementary beliefs, offered to the crowd. Making Hellenes out of Christianity, they used to powerfully overflow it with ancient as the world teachings. Later on, having renewed and analyzed them, they created a well-composed system of religious and philosophic thinking. (Apocryphal gospels). But the fathers of the church, who eagerly opposed gnosticism, used to destroy all the works of the great heretics, so very few sources have reached our time.”
It means, that some of the church’ fathers did oppose “Judaic heresy”. Just as in the middle ages, the Orthodox-Catholic church intensively fought against it. (Inquisition against Spanish marrans, a struggle of orthodox patriarch Grigoriy against “Judaic heresy” during the reign of Ivan the Terrible and other examples). But it must be said that the attitude of Christian leaders to masonry and Cabala of the Jews in historic Christianity has not been unambiguously. Part of the orthodox and catholic church clergy was carried away by Cabala of the Jews, but another part of priests fought against “Judaic heresy”. At least, the term “Judaic heresy” existed for the church for ages. But for the present day, the term “Judaic heresy” no linger exists, which is one more proof of its super power over Christianity.
We know, that Cabala has been an active Iod in respect of Hellenistic culture in general (equally of Egyptian, Chaldean and others), in respect of their experience of knowing God. For the same purpose, Cabala began to express itself in the first Gnostic trends in Christianity as well, in the 1- 3 centuries. Numerous sects aspired to dissolve Christianity either in Judaism or in paganism: ( evionites in the second century, antitrinitaries, hiliasts manikheis in the third century, and so on.)
(V. Shmakov. “The great Lassos of Taro”): “Neoplatonics combined in their systems both Aryan and Semitic genius. On the basis of mysterious and concealed teachings of Egypt and Judah, neoplatonics together with Gnostics raised the greatness of antiquity from the dead. Dionysius the Areopagite plainly tried to recreate the great teaching of Hermes. Neoplatonics – Philon, Plotin, Porphir are still illuming us with the light of their genius throughout so many passed by centuries. John Zlatoust, Macari the Egyptian, Basil the Great, Kliment Alexandrian and the whole assembly of Christian devotees, whose sayings are collected in “Dobrotolubie” and “Otechnik”, open to us both inmost recesses of human's heart and winding ways of searching mind.”
There are many such examples of occultism inculcation in christianity. It used to happen especially scaled in the middle ages, when all kinds of orders under the guise of catholic monasteries overwhelmed Europe and spread around the whole world.
As an example, the order of Rozenkreitzsers. (Priamin-Morozov V.M.: “The encyclopedia of occultism”): “The famous brotherhood of rozenkreitzers had been the main and central storehouse of dogmatic and practical esoterism in Europe. The members of this brotherhood possessed numerous secrets in the field of Cabala, they zealously were working out those secrets, and at the same time they were not devoid of desire to increse their power and might in all Universal plans at the expense of their acquired knowledge. They considered themselves as though the spirit of mankind, (iod), and their activity – the most energetic demonstration of this spirit. And they were right from the philosophical point of view.
Their conscious spiritual superiority could not satisfy them fully. Spirit resides in reveling the principle of energy, which creates forms, and these forms in their turn must be revealed in the material physical world. (V.M. – the law of tetragrammaton and the law of transmission quaterner.)
In the beginning of the second half of the 17th century, the brotherhood of rozenkreitzers commissioned some of their members with creation of an order, called to fulfill the following tasks:
Firstly, to strengthen and, as far as possible, to widely disseminate in humanity trust towards esoteric teaching and its representatives, as well as respect for its symbols and for the moral and spiritual preparation, so that in case of its absence, the mastering of cabala basics becomes impossible.
Secondly, to provide storing and transfer of symbolism elements in due purity and inviolability.
Thirdly, to create the milieu, which is well-developed in moral and spiritual sense, in order to use it as a reservoir for future adherents of Christian illuminism. (V.M. – the law of transmission quaterner.)
To create the said order, its founders resorted to reorganization of already well-formed association of so-called free-masons, with centuries-old history. The new order received the name of Masonic”.
“…To strengthen and, as far as possible, to widely disseminate in humanity trust towards esoteric teaching and its representatives, as well as respect for its symbols and for the moral and spiritual preparation, so that in case of its absence, the mastering of cabala basics becomes impossible…” – this has been the main labor of historical Jews in all religions at all times. So whatever orders or trends showed up, mainly this very task has been always set up and fulfilled.
Knights Templars order, (Eliphaz Levi): “Its original name was “The order of poor knights of Christ and of Solomon’s Temple”. Templars used to have two doctrines. One of them was official, according to Catholicism, but another one was secret, originating in Judaism. Accepting Christianity on the surface, they per se confessed the cult of Bafomet (baptism with wisdom), i.e. the same occultism and its goals. Templars are similar to Rozenkreitzes in their plans of rearrangement of the world. Here are their words: “We will be the masters of the world!” A sword and a trowel are their symbols, they likened themselves to Zerubbabel’s masons. The trowel of templars consists of four triangles, forming the eastern cross – cabalistic pentacle.”
The albigoits, troubadours: (Eliphaz Levi): The sect of albigoits as a branch of manihism had inherited the legacy of temlars and rosenkreitzers and it continued their struggle for civil freedom. From the viewpoint of Catholicism, it was “Judaic heresy”. However, back in that period of time, when the church authority prevailed and Christian religion was flowing in all veins of the sate, no change was ever possible without heresy. It was essential as a sort of resentment. This heresy disproves and rejects official dogmas in order to destroy the authority of the church and clear the way to civil freedom.
The albigoits hoped to make Jerusalem a rival of Rome, to establish their abode there, to restore the religion of love on its pristine homeland and to build the heavenly Jerusalem on the earth.
The troubadours were similar to albigoits and Catholicism used to persecute and wipe them out in the same manner. Cabalistic symbols were coded in the songs of troubadours in poetical way. Popes used to denote their songs as heresy. In the songs, devoted to ladies-love, there was allegorically personified love for true religion.”
Minstrelsies and minnesingers (performers of some secret divine service): “Just as troubadours, they are poetic theology men, occultists. By means of poetic theology, i.e. through different ideological thesis of cabala, whose bearers were albigoits, templars, rozenkreitsers and others, they were preparing people for taking in antichristian ideas, while influencing their feelings and mind with poetry and science.”
So we are observing how the jews have been successfully working on creation and inculcation in humanity the baneful antichristian ideas, using which the jews were preparing the environment of all mankind to accept the super-king of Judaic blood.