There should be said a few words about the role and place of art in Christianity, since the trail of Cabala is traced in it. The complex process of interaction between art and religion, which began in great antiquity, has in present time acquired more organic and accomplished form in interplay among art and world religions. Since olden days, both in Israel of the Old Testament and in historical Christianity art used to solidly occupy and still does an honorable place in musical, architectural, figurative, oratorical and other get-ups of services. And all the world religions always aspired to bring to an absolute the spiritual base in aesthetic human need, to attach it a mystical character. And that’s why, religion is always dogmatic. It is incapable of exceeding the bounds of sound symbol, image symbol, symbol of a recitative word and so on. And under the certain circumstances art is definitely contributing to a church movement towards mystics, fascination? glamour and shamanism., since it always contains the elements of idolatry and superstition. So today’s Christianity is getting immersed into this image (today’s charisma, the service of “worship”). And this very egregor of cabalistic Christianity for the masses is filling the whole earth up.
Thus all the confessions of Protestantism yield to the image of god worship, which can be expressed as following: Only the witness about Christ based on the elementary principles of Gospel and elementary evangelistic words are preached accompanied by splendid get-up of the service with choirs and rituals, magnificent charisma and stage adaptation of Calvary sufferings of Christ. The sweep of service and preaching in the form of evangelizing the perishing world is mainly aimed at laity, as if for the sake of fulfilling the will of God in terms of salvation of the perishing world. And it is mainly done by only well-defined leaders for the vast amounts of idle people, be it members of the church or people nearing to it. The name of Jesus Christ is scanned in every possible way by choirs and preachers, which in fact is pagan verbosity like “khari, Krishna, khari, Rama”. So is the excessive plenty of songs, sounds and rhythms along with hand clapping and dances. So is a strive for healing of a flesh by bio energy of healers in the spirit if fascination, forced by exaltation of choirs. At best, this image of standing before God appears to be an image of fleshly Christianity guided by newborn babies in Christ, at worst it is shamanism of a pagan kind, guided by spiritualists and occultists, trained and posed by apologists of Cabala. Let us remember the core essence of magic (D. Frezer “The golden branch” 1986): “The believing people used to succeed in getting their gods’ favor by means of rituals, sacrifices, prayers and canticles”.
Let’s remember us saying that symbolism is the language of the devil. We’ve stated that a human in his evolutionary movement goes through the way from infant consciousness to the heights of human spirit hovering in God’s Spirit. At first, a man gets conceptions of a number and word letter and they are indeed the first signs of his consciousness activity. Later on, groups of elements develop in human consciousness due to the synthesis, which are formed in certain symbols. The next stage is abstract notions expressed in a word symbol, number or in forms of colorful or sound combinations.
The next step of consciousness extension into the nature of phenomenon is a gift of eloquence. Being influenced by inspiration man creates new mighty instrument for his spirit; imperceptible shades of speech, timber and voice level create another way of communication with souls of listeners inconceivably for the speaker himself. But when isolating from the physical world and uplifting into the world of God, a spiritual one, man loses his opportunity to influence many peoples’ mind. So he returns to the law of analogue starting to speak in parables, that means he uses the images of lower level; and he can present these parables according to his gifting whether as a speech of inspired prophet or as a harmony of colors, forms or sounds, - that is how the art is born. And so on… to the “Lassos.”
So this idea of occultists is a scientific research of human nature, their abilities ‘ development and the main point of their activity. And we have to agree to these scientific researches. But we must perceive that art is directly related to the language of symbols. To be more precise, art is a symbol, using which a human soul can talk to the spiritual sphere. Symbolism in its major degree is a language of the devil. Thus, art, first of all, raises human soul to the spirit of charm, and it may have nothing to do with God. We know that under the influence of inspiration man creates a new powerful instrument for his spirit, imperceptible shades of speech, timber and voice level create another way of communication with souls of listeners inconceivably for the speaker himself. But what kind of spirit inspires such processes? That is the question to answer.
We know that great works of art, painting, sculpture, music, architecture and other fields of human activity exert influence upon millions of people and bring them the highest emotional experiences. We see that (concurrently and contrary to, i.e. anti) shamanism and sorcery of all gentile nations like rhythm, dressing-ups, dances, theatrical performances, singing and speaking side by side with demonology is also a powerful alloy of artistically-cultural impact upon people. Yet we also see how mighty and triumphantly art deposes the Word of God in today’s churches. Religious needs of present Christians are successfully redirected from God’s Word towards exaltation and shamanism.
We can remind ourselves that David was “the pleasant singer of Israel”, we can appreciate at its true value the role of his musical instruments for serving God, we can faithfully treat harmonious choral singing of Levites in Solomon’s temple, we can appraise the role of harp for the prophet Elisha when he prophesied. It has a place provided that God prevails over man. But if it’s not so, art doesn’t lead to God and man can’t serve God by means of art.
Service to God is performed in spirit and truth; it is more than the role and the essence of art. “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord”, - says the Apostle Paul. I.e. there always and above all should dominate the Word of God in its full wisdom, and it is only after that comes some possible decoration.
Tertullian distinctly criticized art, considering it a heritage of gentile antiquity, gentile heresy. “Art, - he exclaimed, - …is under the patronage of two demons – passion and lust.”
The principle of theatrical performance to preach the Gospel “through acting out” (the 12-th century), when one of the priests spoke the words of Christ in a sing-song voice, the other spoke the words of Evangelist, the third one – parts of other characters and people including ritual motets is vital up to present days. They make today theatrical performances of Jesus’ sufferings and other Gospel scenes… Or some other actions of the Orthodox church like bearing-out of a shroud of Christ, religious processions and so on. As well as “absolute spirituality” of the church music – chorals, masses, requiems, all of these created ineffable atmosphere of unreality and solemnity…And we see that the practice of so called “rock-music”, which is attached a mystical solemn meaning to, is very close to the nature of religious needs of today’s churches. And this “ministering” is in fact taking place before everybody’s very eyes, that is how mighty and solemnly demonology is rising in today’s Christianity.
Church architecture which includes Byzantine basilica, orthodox churches, the Middle Ages European Gothic, modern-design of today’s churches appear to be a perfect milieu for the spirit of this world? Which contains Christian mysteries…
So we declare that religious churches create their “theater” of mysteries and church services in so called “worship services” – in strictly developed principles of church liturgy, rituals, holidays, with appropriate aesthetic environment, with appropriate artistic interior and exterior. And all of this is an alliance of the church with artistic temporal lay spirit of art. The apologists of Cabbala know since a long time ago and know very well that religions are undermined by a touch of aesthetic and sensual basis in their rituals (Pryamin-Morozov V.M: “The Encyclopedia of occultism”), and that’s why art is so indisputably and masterfully brought in all Christian confessions. The idol’s temple of the world affects the weakened church.