So all of this appears to be new transitional faiths. “The Protocols…”: “In the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches but we shall fight against them…” And through egregors of implanted religions with further reorientation towards Masonic “sacred legends and mystical revelations”. “The Protocols…”: …We shall take measures for crowd not to lose faith in supernatural stuff, yet not going beyond indication at every good opportunity of Some Supreme Creature existence. We don’t disclose though up to a certain time our sacred legends and mystical revelation.” This very thing is being accomplished in constant massive influence of foreign preachers and missionaries upon all churches of Russia (as well as of the whole world) with continual orientation of the Gospel preaching to the Ten commandments of Moses and worship of the Sabbath.
The following thought is also very important: During the last time the superiority of the Sabbath day above the Sunday day is preached in many churches. This is a straight catching of the churches by “Judaic heresy”. Many theological schools of Christianity openly preach Sabbath as observance of the forth Moses’ commandment. Many churches, missions and ministers say clearly: “Let faith be faith, but are we allowed to break God’s Law?” – and they say at that about the forth commandment of Moses, i.e. about Saturday. So they come together for their meeting not on Sunday, but on Saturday. There is even a well-spread demonstrative belief that Jesus resurrected on Saturday day, not on the first day of the week, i.e. Sunday. And again, Christ is belittled and Saturday is exalted. And the Jews openly mock at Sunday day of Christians, signing comic songs like: “There are savage men on the savage island, they’ve got ugly faces, but they’re kind inside. Whatever they do, they fail, for it seems that they’ve been born on Monday. They cry, they pray to God not sparing tears – they fail to catch a crocodile, they fail to grow a coco. They don’t seem to be loafers and could have a good life, why don’t they dare and abolish Mondays?”… This is how Jews originally “help” “poor” Christians to get free from Sunday day, i.e. from the mystery of Christ’s resurrection, from faith in resurrection of Christ, from faith in the New Testament.
The catching of churches by “Judaic heresy” is also accomplished in one secret action, which is expressed in reduction of the essence of the law to ten commandments of Moses, and this process also brings implantation of transitional beliefs. “The perfect law of liberty”, i.e. the law of Christ becomes insufficient for life and faith. But as soon as the word “law” sounds, it is understood as the law of Moses, which is even called “God’s principles of social life”. (Re. The Gospel – “The way to a new life”, p.296).
And we declare that the preaching of ten commandments of Moses today is nothing else but reduction of Christianity to cabalistic principle of “Unified life” (Re. V. Pryamin-Morozov: “The Encyclopedia of occultism”), which soon will be taking roots in minds of all ministers of mistaken Christianity as esoteric wisdom of God’s word.
Ten commandments of Moses were rethought by jewish cabalists long time ago and outspoken as the principle of “Unified life”, concealed in God and known only to jewish rabbis. Briefly this pronciple can be expressed as follows: (Prymin-Morozov V.M. “The Encyclopedia of occultism”): “The downfall of Adam and of all mankind in his person was happening gradually. From the beginning, Adam stood in the perfect religion of transcendental love. But after the downfall there happened oblivion of bygone perfection, and reminiscence of the bygone or religion became reduced to a cult and confession of the great principle of “unified life”. The system of commandments, which used to be a naturally-ethical codex of “unified life” worshipers arrived the commandments of Moses.”
In Moses’ transcription, the first commandment of God’s law sounds like this: “The Lord our God, the Lord is one…” In occultists’ transcription it sounds as follows: “Admit metaphysically unified life”. In Moses’ transcription, the second commandment sounds like this: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything…” In occultists’ transcription the second commandments sounds as follows: “Do not break to pieces this life metaphysically, i.e. do not rush to a spiritual multiple authority”. And further, Moses says: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain…”. The occultists say: “Do not break it to pieces in astral way, i.e. do not apply the mystery of dynamic cycle to the side of deviation from normal hierarchy”. Moses says: “Observe the Sabbath day”. The occultists say: “Do not overshadow it, destroying on the physical level the memory of emanational origin of all life”. And so on.
Christians are not capable yet of understanding the meaning of this principle, i.e. they understand the law of Moses according to the letter, but this, on rabbi’s opinion is in any case more superlative than to confess Gospel. Brining of any confession of the world to belief in this principle in its any form is expressed by a term “implantation of religions”.
The following thought goes to the same topic. Implantation of that cabalistic principle has been historically happening in the following mystical phenomenon: The very first and one of the most severe temptation of the first apostles’ church, which has predestined many years of falling away from God, was Galatian temptation, expressed in falling of the church away from faith supremacy and alive Holy Spirit guidance to the supremacy of the law of Moses and its circumcision. (False brethren – “Acts, 15 “. With Galatians – the same principle of “implanting religions”).
In its turn, this temptation reoriented the church of God towards the Old testament way of standing before God and serving Him, i.e. God’s church began to be drawn towards synagogue, as well as towards the Old Testament image of priesthood according to the order of Aaron, continuously forsaking the image of priesthood according to the order of Melchizedek. Hence the whole structure of the church administration, so called – church hierarchy, was redirected from heavenly image in Holy Spirit towards earthly image of govering and submission under the guard of law.
Let us remember “The Protocols…”: “We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip in our hands all the forces of the community”, - i.e. nothing cab be more successful in ruling over the nations (in this case over Christian confessions) than ruling by means of centralization “under the guard of law”. It is enough to create a certain administrative system for each confession and a uniform spiritual center under the authority of “servants of the Great East” so that hundreds and thousands of Christians will be directed into the needed for masons direction.
Thus, hierarchy and administration in all churches, the principle of initiation into the order of priest with indispensable laying hands on by higher ministers, subordination of younger ones to the older ones in all religions and actions, strict injunctions and restrictions with strict sanctions for those breaking them – all these reveal the image of priesthood according to the order of Aaron, i.e. priesthood under the guard of law. And the bigger is the confession – the stronger this temptation emerges for the only possibility to maintain a huge confession is to keep it under constraint of law. For the present day the temptation of “Judaic heresy” is all-powerful for basic Christian religions, including baptism and Pentecostal church. “The Protocols…”: “We shall create an intensified centralization of government in order to grip all the forces of the community in our hands.”
For the present day we can say that the law is a bridle, thrown over all centralized Christian confessions by a crafty rider – Israel. It directs them in such course and to such goals, which are known only to Him – to Israel, the only claimant upon world supremacy.
This goes to the same theme. Let us recall something that we’ve already said that whatever orders or movement emerged, there was always put up and carried out mainly one task, since the major labor of historic Jews in all religions in all times was: “To strengthen and widely spread among mankind as far as possible the trust towards esoteric teaching and its representatives, respect to its symbols and to that moral and spiritual preparation lacking which it is not possible to master basics of Cabala…”- (Pryamin Morozov V.M. “The encyclopedia of occultism”). And they set this mechanism in motion inside Christianity by planting the law and the Sabbath.
There is more to it. “The Protocols…”: “…in the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches but we shall fight against them by criticism calculated to produce schism”. And as for “we shall fight against them by criticism calculated to produce schism”, - it is worth declaring that Christianity has so many divisions and schisms, that there are no similar analogues neither in world pagan religions, nor in worldly circles. Likewise modern foreign missionaries do nothing except for multiplying and splitting churches.
“The Protocols…”: “We should resolutely ignore nothing for the only sake of guaranteeing us
splits of religion and deprive it of international meaning”. Divide and rule are the devil’s words from the earliest times.