Here is one more declaration about schism. We proclaim the following thesis: “Idleness owing to riches just as well as poverty owing to enslavement equally lead either a man or society to passivity (khei) in order to find then the corresponding activity to them (iod).”
Basing this principle, the countries of the third world have been weakened and brought to passivity. While European countries and America, enriched by those countries’ riches, get enfeebled no less than the third word countries. They abide in passivity ideologically and not to a lesser extent. It’s just that different destructive models work in those two groups of countries. The purpose is one: to bring both groups through passivity to the search of active source – the Jews, the saviors of the world. Having this principle for the basis, it appeared not so difficult for the Jews to divide Christianity into poor and rich Christians and to rule over both.
We declare, that just as foreign Christianity is lumpenized by the power of dollar, so foreign Christianity is lumpenizing Russian Christianity. Missionaries wages, wages to the bible school teachers, grants to the students of those schools, humanitarian aids, payment of accounts and trips, coming of charitable money for the construction of prayer houses and for other churches’ needs, gifting of cars and equipment and so on represent fatal hazard for churches.
In other words, it is necessary to understand that at certain time the church is persecuted, and at another it is bribed. Because of that, historic Christianity is rather rich. There is the only reason for that – it is granting of money for the churches from the part of this world authorities. Ministers of churches receive money for their living and work from somewhere at certain time and from time to time. There come up certain philanthropists and Maecenases, who lend huge funds, supposedly “for God’s work”. And as a rule, these Maecenases are always supposedly believers in God or some mighty religious organizations. The church ministers accept it as a blessing from the Lord and become drawn to the strong on this world. Here hides the fatal danger for the God’s Church of the last time. The one “who pays orders the music”, that means he implants his way of worshiping God, his egregor of religion, drawing passive churches into the circle of antichristian life. So by the present day, almost all ministers of Christianity are involved into endless concert tours and trips, symposiums, assemblies and representatives, inanely moving back and forth from country to country.
All spiritual centers are enveloped in semblance of creative work, while in fact remaining in “vanity of vanities”. Major and manifold “assemblies of God» in many countries involve in the circle of their confessions all the others. All religions are induced to participate in pompous “bible distribution”, which results in fleshly Christianity. The looks of thousands of Christians are directed to spiritual centers and representatives in expectation of charity. At that time, God’s people and Christian ministers, being caught into this “charity” lose the key things – independence and initiative in choosing their spiritual goals and direction of the way.
Thus Christianity is lumpenized, turning away from Christ to antichrist year by year. The God’s church of the last times should have become like “a stall-fed calf, going out and growing fat, for whom the Sun of Righteousness shall arise With healing in His wings”, yet, It is still tempted to become a calf, who is pushed a nipple from abroad into its mouth and is fed with milk adulterated with potion which results in inevitable enervation, weak will and death. All of this does nothing but proves that Russian Christianity is absorbed by foreign masonry in the same way.
“The Protocols…”: “But, in the meantime, while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches…” – it is again, the wisdom of the Jew Skharia (the extract from the book of N.M.Karamzin “The history of the Russian State”: If only his wisdom consisted of rejecting Christianity and glorification of Jewry…”. That’s why today’s churches in Russia (the same way is in other countries) are not destroyed openly and manifestly. There were times of undisguised church persecution in Russia. It is quite on the contrary today. Everything is done, as it were, for the sake of churches. Yet, both persecution and legalization of them, as well as assistance from the part of authorities and foreign “missionaries” is nothing else but Masonic strives for extirpating of true Christianity.
Let’s recall us saying, that on initial stages of Masonic lodge consecrating they preach Christian virtues; the Gospel, Christ and apostles are honored. They say that masons of three lowest degrees of so-called “Johan’s lodges”, of blue and goldish colors, are “dreamy preachers”. Their password is “Sow the seeds of the Kingdom of light.” Their virtues are obedience, self-knowledge, and denial of pride, love for mankind, generosity, goodness, modesty, love for death. All these virtues symbolize ethical principles like equality, brotherhood, love and non-resistance to evil.
The quote of a mason: “The Bible controls our faith, the triangle straightens our actions, pair of compasses unites us with the whole mankind”. So who can tell a mason from a Christian…?
And the more so since they possess even such an instrument: (V.M. Pryamin-Morozov, “The encyclopedia of occultism”): “Here is the first recipe for you: by means of powerful desire, by the mood of true I,Homme de desir, by the warm prayer, magnetize the world milieu, and you will attract to yourself its individualized elements, which are capable of promoting your ordination. Those of them, who are higher than you, will become your promoters, and the lower ones will be available to your vampirism; you will, so to say, live on them, assimilate them in your organism…And love for all living things, for everything expressed in mankind and nature, works as a mighty booster or else a tamer of fruitful, evolutionary, purifying meditation process, which is the main tool of our hermetic realizations.” That’s why they talk so much about love in all churches, yet revealing no deeds of love in practice. So how can you tell a mason from a Christian…? It is for that reason “The Protocols” say…”: “…we shall not overtly lay a finger on existing churches…”