Let’s turn back to history one more time. (The extract from the book “The invisible authority” by E.Henry): “The introduction of a new public authority troubled the government of many countries long since the 18-th century (the policy of Catherine the Second, Paul the First, and Alexander the First regarding Russian masons, Decembrists), as well as the catholic church. Popes had put the interdict on Catholics entering Masonic lodges long since the 18-th century.”
Nevertheless, (the extract from the book of E. Henry “The invisible authority”): “Yet, in the countries where protestant and Lutheran religions prevailed -Prussia, Sweden, England –not only wasn’t masonry forbidden, but on the contrary, the representatives of nobility, bourgeoisie and ruling dynasties joint in one movement under the auspices of monarchs or regnant house’ members. In the Northern America, masonry developed freely in the same way. Having encountered with Popes’ interdiction in the 18-th century in France, masonry took an anti-feudal and anticlerical shape, merged with ideologists of bourgeois revolution and its existing politicians. From this spring radical traditions of “the Great East of France”, which penetrated Italy, Spain, Portugal and Russia during Napoleon epoch , where future participators of Decembrist movement assimilated them. After the victory of bourgeois revolution in France, just as in Italy and Germany, masonry has been legalized and is present unreservedly.”
(An extract from the book of E.Henry “The invisible authority”): “For almost two last centuries, the main political concept of masonry was fight against catholic clericalism and feudal reaction. But starting from twenties of the present century, rather significant part of international masonry began to change the course… owing to reconciliation with catholic church. In 1965, Vatican made a decision of revoking the resolution of the Pope’s throne, existing since 1738, according to which those joined to masonry Catholics were excommunicated. In 1968, the circles closely connected with Vatican announced, that from that moment, Catholics would be given the right to enter Masonic organizations. The ban was kept only for atheistic lodges… The anti-Catholic protestant priesthood played an important role in lodges…”
(«The literary newspaper» dated 13-th December 1989): Back 100 years ago, there was publicly resounded such avowal from the pages of official bulletin of Masonic lodge of “the Great East of France”, dated 1886: “For one time there had existed not so much the rule, as a mere formality to claim that masonry neither deals with religion matters nor politics. Being pressured by police instructions, we were forced to make a secret of our sole mission…” For so many times during the past century, frank masons repented of these words, which had become a boomerang – an accusation against them. All the more so they began to withhold “the awl” – “neither religion matters, nor politics”. In 1985, the lodges of all Masonic rites and all churches of France, having forgotten century-old animosity, were signing the appeal “for brotherhood”. To years later, frank masons and Catholics held their first joint colloquium, so that in fact, there were “both religion matters and politics” – and nobody makes a secret of it. Finally, after the victory of socialists in 1981, as the journal “Express” wrote recently, “masons, all of a sudden, came to light in all government cabinets”. Things, which used to be considered more confidential than any State secret as early as some decade ago, are made public easily at present days”.
Soon, we’ll have such an order of things in Russia too: ( A. Manakov, the reporter of “Literary newspaper”: “During the entire second half of sixties, a leader of Italian masons of that time, Gamberini, worked tirelessly on “christianization” of the “Great East” lodge. His partners in this operation were two marked figures of Roman curia: pater Rosario Esposito and a Jesuit Giovanni Kaprile. Skillfully feigning that they were polemizing with masons, these authors managed to deliver a thought to their readers about leadership displacement of “plazzo Justiniami” (the Masonic lodge) to the side of church. In that way they contributed to rapprochement of numerous representatives of catholic intelligentsia and activists of clerical associations with Masonic society”. That is, foreign European and American Christianity have been for a long time of pro-Masonic, cabalistic sort. All this does nothing but proves that Russian Christianity is assimilated by foreign masonry.
Under different pretexts, Christianity is engaged into varied contacts and associations with vedists, Muslims and Jews, into so-called ecumenism. Yet, neither Islam, nor Vedism in its variety of eastern religions, nor Judaism up to present days, nor pagan idolatry of all nations – none of them knows God. And there are no prerequisites for any kind of dialogue and integration of true Christians with all belivers of the earth, who do not confess Jesus Christ. Any integration of Christians with non-Christians is Babylon fornication.